Daily Mail: "Big Mouth Strikes AGAIN! Morrissey is filmed from his BA business class seat demanding to be 'let off' the plane..." (May 13, 2023)


Big Mouth Strikes AGAIN! Morrissey is filmed from his BA business class seat demanding to be 'let off' the plane that was grounded due to stormy weather

Severe thunderstorms meant his flight from London Heathrow to the Irish capital was diverted to Shannon on the west coast of Ireland where it sat on the tarmac for almost two hours until the weather improved.

But once on the tarmac, witnesses said Morrissey demanded to speak to the captain and asked to be 'let off' the Airbus A320 as he didn't 'want to be hanging around in [a] coffin' for hours.

Video passed to MailOnline shows him standing at the front of the plane, in a blue suit, talking to a cabin crew member who is heard telling him: 'We have to put the paperwork in the computer, close the door and then off we go'.

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It's an ill wind...perhaps the person recording this bizarre tantrum hope that they were helping to stage an 'intervention'. It's been clear for a very long time that the only thing shielding this performer from an ASBO is their wealth and imagined status which they think gives them a passport from consensus reality.

What next? Morrissey screaming at supetmarket self-serve checkouts when his underling is sick and the Diva gets an age-check trying to buy vodka on a midnight Uber dash?
All the airlines should cancel him
his search was uncomfortably long,both of the airline staff who were escorting him to his plane said he should report the incident but M said there was no point as it would be ignored.
That's his side of the story, which I do not believe, I think the tape was online?
That's his side of the story, which I do not believe, I think the tape was online?
the search was on here years ago,will be on youtube if someone wants to dig it out.
I always thought the "Morrissey drinks" rumours were made up. I've never seen a video where you can even guess. Here he looks drunk and that's before the flight.

The fact that he's surrounded by nothing but lackeys can be seen in Damon, who just stands there and looks like his master makes a fool of himself. Little interaction from the best friend on the payroll.

Fascinating how 3-4 users here make expressions of understanding at a nervous pace. Morrissey has done everything right. Sure.
Morrissey drinks "rumors"? Most grown up people drink. What exactly is shocking about this?
True. I’m more concerned about his recurring drinking habit and it’s inevitable consequences than his strops. We all know he’s a diva etc, but the Morrissey of old cared about image and would never conduct himself like this in public and be witnessed in such an embarrassing display. The airline could easily purse criminal charges and Morrissey should be grateful they're downplaying this
What a ridiculous thing to say. No, the airline could NOT pursue criminal charges over someone sarcastically clapping.
The camera's view was obstructed by the searcher's torso, so I couldn't see what his left hand did to Morrissey's backside while his right hand lifted his shirt.
The guy sure took his time with him. So much so that the woman behind him got bored of waiting and just decided to skip ahead, which is what ended the search!
The conspiracy deepens...first record companies...next... airlines... here's footage of Morrissey charming his way to an upgrade...

I bet someone was paid a pretty penny for that!
The camera's view was obstructed by the searcher's torso, so I couldn't see what his left hand did to Morrissey's backside while his right hand lifted his shirt.
Nobody who has seen Morrissey onstage will be surprised that the security guy thought he was hiding a machine gun in his pants...iykyk...

...he was just offering to milk his prostate

The camera's view was obstructed by the searcher's torso, so I couldn't see what his left hand did to Morrissey's backside while his right hand lifted his shirt.
Nobody who has seen Morrissey onstage will be surprised that the security guy thought he was hiding a machine gun in his pants...iykyk...

...he was just offering to milk his prostate

Morrissey drinks "rumors"? Most grown up people drink. What exactly is shocking about this?

What a ridiculous thing to say. No, the airline could NOT pursue criminal charges over someone sarcastically clapping.
He was drunk and disorderly. That is a crime here in the US, not sure about other places. Here he most likely would have been escorted off the plane probably in handcuffs, quite forcefully if necessary and detained.
He was drunk and disorderly. That is a crime here in the US, not sure about other places. Here he most likely would have been escorted off the plane probably in handcuffs, quite forcefully if necessary and detained.
He was not disorderly, and we don't even actually know if he was drunk.

He would have been escorted on handcuffs for this exactly nowhere at all.
The camera's view was obstructed by the searcher's torso, so I couldn't see what his left hand did to Morrissey's backside while his right hand lifted his shirt.
His complaint was that he was sexually assaulted. I would have expected at least some visible sign on the footage of a flinch or physical reaction from Moz if he was goosed or had his balls fondled, but there is none. Maybe it did happen, and he froze, but his statements in the past haven't always filled me with confidence when it comes to this stuff (see also the 'arrested for driving the wrong way down a one-way street in Italy' incident, and his account that varies wildly from the police report).
He was not disorderly, and we don't even actually know if he was drunk.

He would have been escorted on handcuffs for this exactly nowhere at all.
:lbf: if you say so

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