Morrissey Central "CHART PROGRESS" (March 23, 2020)

Morrissey Central: "CHART PROGRESS"


Having been UK Number 1 on Friday, Morrissey's I Am Not A Dog On A Chain is today number 2.

With the closures of HMV shops, please note that online orders are still being fulfilled by HMV, Amazon, Spotify.
Your support is appreciated.

Uh oh, now overtaken by Capaldi and sales have crept up to just 6,400. Looks it won't even sell 7,000. Unprecedented.

It'll be a real shame if this doesn't sell well, as it's a great album, but like someone else has noted, times have changed what with streaming, spotify, yt, illegals, leaks, et al, it makes me wonder who actually buys records these days (apart from dedicated fans/collectors/the obsessed).
I'm not shocked, nor concerned by the figures, even if they're true.
It'll be a real shame if this doesn't sell well, as it's a great album, but like someone else has noted, times have changed what with streaming, spotify, yt, illegals, leaks, et al, it makes me wonder who actually buys records these days (apart from dedicated fans/collectors/the obsessed).
I'm not shocked, nor concerned by the figures, even if they're true.

I agree to an extent but Paul Heaton's album sold 20500 when it hit number 1 last week with 94% of sales being physical?
It'll be a real shame if this doesn't sell well, as it's a great album, but like someone else has noted, times have changed what with streaming, spotify, yt, illegals, leaks, et al, it makes me wonder who actually buys records these days (apart from dedicated fans/collectors/the obsessed).
I'm not shocked, nor concerned by the figures, even if they're true.
The reason for concern is the very strong likelihood of no more record deals. The drop from 25,000 to under 7,000 in 2 years is catastrophic (also mirrored in attendances for the recent UK tour). There has been a fair change in the last 15 years, generally, in terms of record sales but very little since 2017. The indie world (clubs, radio stations, record shops and websites) which has always been his main bread and butter, has abandoned him due to his formal support for far-right politics. If you're not fussed about him ever putting out a new album again, there is indeed no need for concern. The live shows can continue albeit to audiences of around half the size he's been used to.
I agree to an extent but Paul Heaton's album sold 20500 when it hit number 1 last week with 94% of sales being physical?
I'm looking at this site on my phone and it shows me on the homepage the first sentence of a new post on a thread but not the person who posted it. As soon as I read this I knew this was one of your posts, LOL. True story.
I'm looking at this site on my phone and it shows me on the homepage the first sentence of a new post on a thread but not the person who posted it. As soon as I read this I knew this was one of your posts, LOL. True story.

Mines a true story too?
I agree to an extent but Paul Heaton's album sold 20500 when it hit number 1 last week with 94% of sales being physical?
Could the lockdown have affected Moz sales? There's undoubtedly fans who've been unable to get to the shops. Maybe prefer to buy from a shop instead of online.
Could the lockdown have affected Moz sales? There's undoubtedly fans who've been unable to get to the shops. Maybe prefer to buy from a shop instead of online.

Who knows, are Morrissey fans any different from a purchasing perspective? Personally, I always buy from Amazon nowadays.
Who knows, are Morrissey fans any different from a purchasing perspective? Personally, I always buy from Amazon nowadays.

The lockdown will have impacted everybody's physical album sales this week, you're right.

It's the almost complete lack of radio play (caused - rightly or wrongly - by Morrissey's views) that will have scuppered this album's sales relative to previous ones. A shame, for me, about the radio situation as so many of these songs would sound amazing on Radio 2 in particular (with their 80s/90s obsession).
I agree to an extent but Paul Heaton's album sold 20500 when it hit number 1 last week with 94% of sales being physical?

That surprises me, not because it's Paul Heaton (I have no issue with him at all) but physical sales at 20.5k is a good number. He writes & sings some clever, witty, songs, there's no doubt there, but he's more a middle of the road, sing-along-kind of guy to my mind with wider appeal, when compared to Moz, who I would say appeals to a specific type of audience, i.e. the obsessed, collectors, ex-smiths followers, Moz solo followers (not necessarily meaning this website).

So I think because Moz's music appeals to a narrower range (& I'm not implying any fanbase numbers decrease here, that's impossible to gauge), it's natural that his sales are going to be lower. I'm just happy that he's still producing quality stuff, & IANADOAC is just that.

If you like/love Moz, you'll listen/buy; if you're not, you won't. Moz's albums aren't ones you'll see sitting in your Grandmas record collection, whereas with Paul Heaton, you just might.
that mediocre cuck Heaton cant give away free tix FFS;)
his album sold 100 copies max in the true charts, of course in the fake bogus islamic commie charts hes up to 1 billion non existing sales.o_O

'you must sign up for the free tix and show identification.....bla bla bla' what a twat.:poop:
how can you compare Moz with this dingus FFS:rolleyes:
'hullo heaton here, yes heaton the bald twat, here i am. do you want a free ticket to the free show?? surely someone should be clever enough to want a ticket to this stupid extravaganza. we have a box here with 10000 of the stupid tix nobody wants them but still you must provide identification and swear an oath that you are deserving of one of the twatty tickets, orders from the ticket KGB':lbf:
Could the lockdown have affected Moz sales? There's undoubtedly fans who've been unable to get to the shops. Maybe prefer to buy from a shop instead of online.

It's an interesting point & I suspect to some extent this might be true because here in UK I doubt whether record shops would be actually open as they'd be classed as non-essentials and be forced to close under current restrictions. I believe there are some limitations also with the likes of Amazon insofar as what deliveries they're fulfilling and one's which are considered less important. I've no idea if online album LP purchases are impacted by this.

So with no real marketing, no radio plays, business lockdowns, and a rampaging corona-virus, it appears the stars have not aligned for this album release, which is unfortunate.

At this moment, Moz might well be thinking Time, is no friend of mine.
Who knows, are Morrissey fans any different from a purchasing perspective? Personally, I always buy from Amazon nowadays.

Absolutely. I reckon a larger number than usual of Moz fans prefer physical product and not everyone shops at Amazon.
It’s still at 3 in de midweeks.
Looks like his 7th UK Top-3 album after Viva Hate, Vauxhall, Quarry, Ringleader, Refusal and World Peace.
a great achievement ?
That surprises me, not because it's Paul Heaton (I have no issue with him at all) but physical sales at 20.5k is a good number. He writes & sings some clever, witty, songs, there's no doubt there, but he's more a middle of the road, sing-along-kind of guy to my mind with wider appeal, when compared to Moz, who I would say appeals to a specific type of audience, i.e. the obsessed, collectors, ex-smiths followers, Moz solo followers (not necessarily meaning this website).

So I think because Moz's music appeals to a narrower range (& I'm not implying any fanbase numbers decrease here, that's impossible to gauge), it's natural that his sales are going to be lower. I'm just happy that he's still producing quality stuff, & IANADOAC is just that.

If you like/love Moz, you'll listen/buy; if you're not, you won't. Moz's albums aren't ones you'll see sitting in your Grandmas record collection, whereas with Paul Heaton, you just might.

Paul is better at publicity - he's been in the news for doing a free concert for NHS workers - thereby using corona to get positive coverage.
Paul is better at publicity - he's been in the news for doing a free concert for NHS workers - thereby using corona to get positive coverage.

Really? the album went to number 1 with 20500 sales before any mention if the concert. He is well known for his socialist views and theta why he is putting on a concert for NHS staff.

Are you also forgetting when Morrissey tried to get Paris re released after the terrorist attack?

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