Morrissey Central "Bobby Progress" - top 20 downloads (January 24, 2020)

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Hovis... this is the first time you have sworn today..... what took you so f***ing long...... one to many John smiths!!!! Or just the paupers getting on your nerves... VIVA 69 the Brighton line !!
A heady cocktail of Punk IPA, and my contempt for a particular toe rag who spent most of his adult life boasting to everyone about his special relationship with Morrissey—only to then go and spend the last few years shitting on the latter, from a great height.

It’s just not cricket.
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A heady cocktail of Punk IPA, and a particular toe rag who spent most of his adult life boasting to everyone about his special relationship with Morrissey—only to then go and spend the last few years shitting on the latter, from a great height.

It’s just not cricket.
so yours real ale lady then
Yes, yes... you’re a tribalist hack who’s chosen Melvis as his Lord and saviour. We get that.

Will you die for him? Will you be the first of the gang to die?

The f***ing massive stroke-level dribbling around here is pure gold.
I’m pleased you get it... what took you so long??? Would I die for him!!! Who could you mean!!! Morrissey or melvis, it’s unclear with your mish- mash post... I couldn’t possibly die for two people, one yes , alas could never be two, really, could it...... attack me whenever, but please please do your homework and then, just maybe we could have a adult conversation about such matters..... until then go try get your leg over with wifey..... oh that’s why your on here,,,, she can’t stand the stench of your breath , speak soon xxxx
VIVA US ALL YESTERDAY/ TONIGHT..... good show folks... a sincere thanks to all who have defended ourselves and morrissey .... it’s easy going really on here FOR NOW, BUT THEY SHALL BE BACK.... We shall fight them on social media, we shall fight them on here..... we shall never surrender..... EVER... good morning and may some god bless us........
Today on here has been a battle against the Morrissey haters, WE have won this battle today, looking at all the posts today it’s very evident that the Moz fans have had enough and have poked the haters in the eye ball. Even boy86 aka the jam eater hasn’t... yes hasn’t replied to my message this morning..... I’m now being ignored by a troll .... This is a huge victory for us all today. We have the new single, album, and dates to look forward to, with spring just around the corner It’s been a triumphant day so we shall rejoice this evening, and pick up tomorrow from where we left off from tonight... VIVA MORRISSEY VIVA LEEDS VIVA US LOVERS.... OUR TIME IS NOW
Madonna cancels London show,wonder if Madonnasolo is in meltdown and shes getting both barrels.
Madonna cancels London show,wonder if Madonnasolo is in meltdown and shes getting both barrels.

Well, to look at this honestly, the woman is 61 years of age and puts on a physical show that is extremely taxing on her body. She stated she is suffering from a "torn ligament" and "a bad knee", and is in indescribable pain.

So she cancels because of this and Morrissey's number one cause of cancellations is "a case of the vapors." Not quite the same really.
Well, to look at this honestly, the woman is 61 years of age and puts on a physical show that is extremely taxing on her body. She stated she is suffering from a "torn ligament" and "a bad knee", and is in indescribable pain.

So she cancels because of this and Morrissey's number one cause of cancellations is "a case of the vapors." Not quite the same really.



"Oh dear O dear, the poor dear does such a taaaaaaxxxxinnnnnng show.:ahhh:"
Very gayish post Barnaby.:yum:

Just because you came out as gay doesnt automatically mean you
have to go Madonna on us Barnaby. :lbf:
Well, to look at this honestly, the woman is 61 years of age and puts on a physical show that is extremely taxing on her body. She stated she is suffering from a "torn ligament" and "a bad knee", and is in indescribable pain.

So she cancels because of this and Morrissey's number one cause of cancellations is "a case of the vapors." Not quite the same really.

You haven't been getting all the inclusivity memos about mental health being the same as physical health then.
Madonna cancels London show,wonder if Madonnasolo is in meltdown and shes getting both barrels.

& the tour hasn't sold out, has been a financial bloodbath, she's had several race rows & is touring with half of Africa, which would have her on her career death bed & desperately trying to atone, according to this site. :p
You haven't been getting all the inclusivity memos about mental health being the same as physical health then.

Here’s the thing, Karen...

If your pussy hurts - as Morrissey’s so often does - you see a doctor. You don’t make up repeated feeble excuses and lie to your fans about it. You seek the readily available assistance.

Madonna sings and dances her ass off for over two hours at her shows. The intricacies of her live performance, the costume and thematic changes - combined with the tight choreography - are surely gruelling.

Morrissey comes out in a blazer, removes it, does a few sad flicks of a mic chord, whilst bending forward like a sad grandpa checking avocados at the fruit-stand. Then he removes his shirt, offers it up to the sycophants - and then you tear it to shreds. Hardly an effort. Hardly new. In fact, it‘s become quite tiresome, hasn’t it? ...and all of this is in just over an hour. So VERY intense, indeed. Lol!

No comparison in their performance level. None. We may, however, compare their acumen and dedication to the “craft” that’s provided them both with everything they have in their lives...

Madonna pays to have both physical and mental health practitioners onsite, at all times. Her decision to cancel was doctor ordered.

Morrissey will pay for no such support. Morrissey will simply flee the building, back to his suite - once the merch-table gets rolling - to consume a bottle of vodka, a half-wheel of Kerrygold and a kilo of “woe-is-me”.

I don’t care for Madonna’s music but she gets top marks for hard work, passion for her craft, respect for her fans and showing up to give 110%, even when she probably doesn’t feel like it. Extra points for dealing with her shit.

Morrissey does none of these things. He’ll just catch you next time around. Worry not though. You won’t miss a thing! He’s been playing the same 80 minute show for the past 15 years.
Here’s the thing, Karen...

If your pussy hurts - as Morrissey’s so often does - you see a doctor. You don’t make up repeated feeble excuses and lie to your fans about it. You seek the readily available assistance.

Madonna sings and dances her ass off for over two hours at her shows. The intricacies of her live performance, the costume and thematic changes - combined with the tight choreography - are surely gruelling.

Morrissey comes out in a blazer, removes it, does a few sad flicks of a mic chord, whilst bending forward like a sad grandpa checking avocados at the fruit-stand. Then he removes his shirt, offers it up to the sycophants - and then you tear it to shreds. Hardly an effort. Hardly new. In fact, it‘s become quite tiresome, hasn’t it? ...and all of this is in just over an hour. So VERY intense, indeed. Lol!

No comparison in their performance level. None. We may, however, compare their acumen and dedication to the “craft” that’s provided them both with everything they have in their lives...

Madonna pays to have both physical and mental health practitioners onsite, at all times. Her decision to cancel was doctor ordered.

Morrissey will pay for no such support. Morrissey will simply flee the building, back to his suite - once the merch-table gets rolling - to consume a bottle of vodka, a half-wheel of Kerrygold and a kilo of “woe-is-me”.

I don’t care for Madonna’s music but she gets top marks for hard work, passion for her craft, respect for her fans and showing up to give 110%, even when she probably doesn’t feel like it. Extra points for dealing with her shit.

Morrissey does none of these things. He’ll just catch you next time around. Worry not though. You won’t miss a thing! He’s been playing the same 80 minute show for the past 15 years.

TBF would be better if Madge gave up her miming over her 2 hr slot fact

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