Biden drops out of presidential race and endorses Harris to be nominee

This is how the Democrats are cheating again, for anyone who believes they don't. State party chairs are backing Harris, not the people who voted in the primaries. She did not win one primary, not one state wanted her for president, but you have the Democrat establishment back dooring her in like this. People always suspected this would happen, that Biden would step down and Harris would be president, but they were expecting it during Biden's first term.
If he had done that, she would be eligible to run for 2 more terms and she still would be if he resigned now and made her president before the election. I am not a fan of Biden, but this is a coup against him, he's now been overthrown, and if they are capable of this they are certainly capable of stealing the 2020 election, which they did.

I think it’s sickening that a potential leader takes the piss out of a man who may have dementia.
He had dementia in 2020, he knew he had dementia and decided to run anyway. Think about the security implications of that for a minute.
He had dementia in 2020, he knew he had dementia and decided to run anyway. Think about the security implications of that for a minute.

No need to think about any security implications as all leaders have teams around them to help on decision making, it’s still sickening that a potential leader can mock someone who may be ill.
He is the commander in chief, ultimately people have to follow his orders and no one can override him if he wants to make a nuclear strike or pull out of Afghanistan, leaving all those weapons behind
No need to think about any security implications as all leaders have teams around them to help on decision making, it’s still sickening that a potential leader can mock someone who may be ill.
So you're OK for the President of America to have had dementia for the past 4 years and not have told the voters? Mmmm OK :lbf:
Actually Biden should resign now if he's not fit to run, but word on the street is that Dr. Jill had a 2 hour meltdown over his withdrawing from the race. She's been the one pushing this and then his own party threw him under the bus. He has bigger problems than Trump making a tweet and as for the rest of us, we have been just f***ed the entire time that clown has been president. We were owed a person in their right mind.
Service? Joe spent 4 year taking morning, midday and afternoon naps, in-between ice-cream breaks and diaper changes :lbf:

If you like what his admin has done in the past 4 years you should be thanking Jake Sullivan or Ron Plaine because it sure as hell wasn't Biden running the show.

Cool dude.
Ya should go tell'em all about it on the Kid Rock fan page.
I think it’s sickening that a potential leader takes the piss out of a man who may have dementia.
Yes, but that’s Trump for ya. He doesn’t know the first thing about dignity.
I prefer Vivek Ramaswamy to JD Vance, I hope Vivek gets a good cabinet position or appointed to the scotus if need be, Vivek and JD are good friends
Are we sure she will be the nominee? Bathhouse Barry hasn't endorsed her yet which I found.........interesting. Obama runs the Dems, I'd watch him to look for signaling as to what comes next.
He could always put Michael forward. Plenty of diversity to satisfy everyone, without the Harris cackle.
Actually Biden should resign now if he's not fit to run, but word on the street is that Dr. Jill had a 2 hour meltdown over his withdrawing from the race. She's been the one pushing this and then his own party threw him under the bus. He has bigger problems than Trump making a tweet and as for the rest of us, we have been just f***ed the entire time that clown has been president. We were owed a person in their right mind.

Piers Morgan agrees with you.

I actually think this is about his campaign's own internal polling more than anything else. If they could project a win, he could stay in and resign after he won if his health is the issue.
It's another tragedy for America. So much self-induced hell for such a young country.
There is a choice between (a) someone who is rowing against an untenable tide since she's a woman, and America will never willingly vote for a female President and (b) a boor in possession of neither social graces nor business skills (6x bankrupt).

It'll be interesting to see the VP choice for te Dems.
It's laughable that the Reps drafted Vance, pro-procreation fellow that he is. He wants all Americans to have children to ensure they'll have skin in the game of politics, but doesn't support one of the things needed for those children to thrive--including robust public education, prenatal care, and robust pensions/benefits for working parents.
What would be bonkers is if Joe Biden stepped down as president... Kamala is then acting President and has a few months in that role. Now Trump is running against the sitting President and is not quite the shoe-in he seemed to be a week ago. Not saying I think that will happen but if the Dems want to play hardball - that would be it.
I think that is exactly what they will do. It would make total sense - give KH the advantage of being 'sitting president' and the 'dignity of office' etc. She does, God love her, need all the help she can get, after all. What a talentless buffoon she is. No doubt the Democrats will also play the race card big time - anyone not voting for her is a racist misogynist - and all that crap.
I read Harris will be meeting with Netanyahu, I can't imagine this man suffering gladly through all of her giggling and weirdness. I really can't imagine her meeting with any world leader.

We are doomed.

And yes, being called a racist misogynist has already started, it should just get more intense between now and November. We are so f***ed.
2024 election biden donald trump kamilla harris
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