Morrissey Central "BEAM OF LIGHT." (May 19, 2023)


"Sometimes one of the most radical things you can do is to speak clearly. When someone dies, out come the usual blandishments … as if their death is there to be used. I'm not prepared to do this with Andy. I just hope … wherever Andy has gone … that he's OK. He will never die as long as his music is heard. He didn't ever know his own power, and nothing that he played had been played by someone else. His distinction was so terrific and unconventional and he proved it could be done. He was also very, very funny and very happy, and post-Smiths, he kept a steady identity - never any manufactured moves. I suppose, at the end of it all, we hope to feel that we were valued. Andy need not worry about that."


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The Smiths made a greater impact than anything in my life. Their influence have been constant throughout all of my adult life.

I am grateful to have spent time with Andy. He was very open and very funny. From all The Smiths he is the one most similar to me.

Since being excommunicated from The Smiths world for speaking out against Morrissey's abhorrent views I barely communicate with anyone from my past life.
I listened to The Smiths daily from 16yr old until it became impossible to defend Morrissey. It became impossible for me to even listen to The Smiths.
Today I have been and still listening and it's doubly heartbreaking.
Uhh dale ... The dtama here is that Andy died. I think your comment is exaggerated and out of place!!! Just look for an excuse to talk about the most important Smith = Moz, he is a genius and a gentleman. When Moz leaves you will cry.....
Uhh dale ... The dtama here is that Andy died. I think your comment is exaggerated and out of place!!! Just look for an excuse to talk about the most important Smith = Moz, he is a genius and a gentleman. When Moz leaves you will cry.....
Wrong day mate. Save it for another day.
A lovely eulogy for an incredible musician. RIP made one hell of a mark on this world. Thank you.
Maybe now with Andys death, Morrissey and Marr will reign in their sickening egos and grow the f*** up.
Not to muddy the water but Sky News mentions a lot of people who paid condolences to Andy but didn't mention our Moz. His lovely words should have been included.

Good to see that RTE in Ireland mention Moz's heartfelt sentiments.
The BBC have mentioned Moz's tribute. There was a nice interview with Stephen Street on BBC Radio 4 after the 1PM news.
Burst in tears (is that even an expression?), but yes really touching and sad

from afar Athens, Gr.
When I saw the news this morning my first thought was how bloody sad it was - my second thought was, you know what, Moz is probably not going to say anything. How could I have doubted him? Beautiful words.
Desde los 19 años escucho The Smiths.Gracias a Andy comencé a tocar el bajo Que tristeza por favor.
Thoughtful words and genuine compassion from Morrissey. He is obviously aware of the implications of his reaction. That's good.
Pancreatic cancer is apparently becoming one of the most common and deadly cancers.
That's from many forms of cancer found to be on the rise in people under 50 since 1990.
My lovely brother-in-law, who was a Smiths fan, died of it this past January, not surviving even a month after his diagnosis. Andy got longer than others tend to. A woman given months to live survived over ten years and wrote a blog about changes she made, in living with pancreatic cancer. We need to get our Environmental Protection Agencies doing what they're supposed to be doing, for one.

Acton mentioned that RTE reported on this sad news, while Morrissey's statement was read out and appreciated on national radio as well, in a segment commemorating Andy Rourke on RTE 1 radio arts programme Arena this evening, 40 minutes 10 seconds in -

Hot Press put out a caring well-informed obituary too -

Sympathies to all affected 🌹🥀🌹
Such sad news today. Andy really was one of genuine nice guys, I've never heard a bad word said about him. Andy's bass playing was crucial to the Smiths, it's still largely underrated. It's so good to read Morrissey's kind words to Andy's passing. RIP.
I decided not to hang around for a reaction from Morrissey, not exactly knowing what to expect. I am so glad to see that his thoughts are with Andy and that he looks back with fondness and reverence. His ability to touch the right strings with few words is Mirrissey’s greatest gift. Thank you Miz.
Just heard this devastating news. Shivering, shaking, quivering, gutted & broken hearted here in the southeastern U.S.
~ Much love and respect to Smiths fans everywhere, to Johnny, Mike, Morrissey & Craig and especially to Andy & all of his friends and family.

R.I.P. Andy
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