A controversial diva: an interview to !VivaHate!

You're one of the least trustworthy people on this forum (and that's saying something), so I'm just going to start believing the opposite of whatever you say. :tongueout:
Your move!

I’m not Jewish. :tongueout:
Is that right.

Well just WHAT THE f*** ARE YA then ............. :tongueout:


That would've read and looked even better without all the dancing Asian girl gifs between each post though IMO. They're cute and all, don't get me wrong, but overall it's too cluttery and the way they're competing with Prince is uncouth. Otherwise, good reply Viv.
Reclaim the c***!

Believe me you don't wanna end up like Lady Gaga and expose that shameful little prick now and then. You are technically and by law seen as a hermaphrodite now and those thai shemales are giving you the finger.

Every far east asian man is a potential shemale cause they are short and cute and weak.

That would've read and looked even better without all the dancing Asian girl gifs between each post though IMO. They're cute and all, don't get me wrong, but overall it's too cluttery and the way they're competing with Prince is uncouth. Otherwise, good reply Viv.

It’s cute! :tongueout:
Do u like momoland?
Reclaim the c***!

Believe me you don't wanna end up like Lady Gaga and expose that shameful little prick now and then. You are technically and by law seen as a hermaphrodite now and those thai shemales are giving you the finger.

Every far east asian man is a potential shemale cause they are short and cute and weak.

Beat Takeshi is strong and virile.
like there isn't enough inanity on this forum already
We can always improve!

When americans want something to improve they call the swedes. No tunnels in NYC and no elevator in the statue of liberty or cell service or cool old Volvo's in great american movies and tv series if not for those swedes.

Swedes, we get it done.
Beat Takeshi is strong and virile.
Not outside his cultural setting. Abroad he would be taking four dishes orders and smile as he got paid after everyone had deep fried banana and ice cream.

But never at any time would he be able to pronounce the letter R.
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