Thanks for the kind words

! You're right, this site here is amazing to keep track on all things related to M and the concert threads contain all the infos, often in real time, that's really cool
But as you said, one wants to be there. I really don't get it why he is so limited to the places he gives concerts at, because there are many fans in other places too. And to repeatedly only visit the same countries (assume he goes on a US tour after this...) in very short time just feels bad for the people left out, because left out is what you feel after a while. I know he can't go everywhere and there are always countries/places to be left out and that's OK. But yeah, I don't know, go four times to London within a few months but say Spain and Italy don't have places the right size seems lacklustre to me.
I've travelled to see him last year and funnily enough there were so many people I met with different nationalities that went there because they feared they will never see him live otherwise (including me ^^). But not everyone has the money/time off work to travel to another country for a concert and I so wanted to see him again.
Anyway - rambling over. I hope you all enjoy it and take all the chances to see him at the upcoming dates and informed
