"Unhappy Birthday" - one woman show by Amy Lamé

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Amy writes:

I am currently creating my new one woman show, Unhappy Birthday, which has a very strong Morrissey and Smiths theme. I am currently developing it at Battersea Arts Centre and the Contact Theatre, Manchester and trying to raise funds to produce the show. I'll be doing several "work in progress" shows in London, Manchester and Edinburgh over the coming months, then touring the UK, US and beyond later this year and next year.

I'd like to invite you to one of the work in progress shows, too...there's one in London the beginning of July and Manchester the end of July, so let me know if you fancy it.

Here is the link to my crowdfunding page- there's a synopsis of the show, info on me and my director, a little teaser video and quite a few photos- take a peek!


Welcome to my Unhappy Birthday party. Gather in the bar, where my invited guests- you, the audience members- are offered makeovers in...

Stephen Wright - My best shot (The Guardian)

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As part of The Guardian's ongoing series where photographers select their best shot.

Photographer Stephen Wright's best shot
'At the time, I was using my bedroom as a darkroom – and storing all my chemicals in old lemonade bottles'

NYC - The Queen is Dead 25th Anniversary w/Andy Rourke and The Sons & Heirs (June 18)

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Hi Friends,
This should be a very fun evening. We hope you can join us! Hiro is a beautiful spot with great sound and Andy Rourke will be joining us to celebrate.

Ravi Marr :guitar::guitar:

The Queen Is Dead: 25th Anniversary Show
featuring a live performance by The Sons & Heirs and special guest DJ Andy Rourke.
Saturday June 18th, 2011
Hiro Ballroom
88 West 9th Avenue, New York, NY 10011
Advance Tickets only $8. $10 Day of Show.
Questions? [email protected]

Portraits/Art Prints of Morrissey and Patti Smith in Today's (10/6/11) Guardian

Morrissey recording new Janice Long BBC Radio2 session (June 10), broadcast next week (June 14/15)

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Update (June 10, 2011, 6:25 AM PT): Link from Guillaume Métayer:

Three new songs by Morrissey to be broadcast on the Janice Long Show this coming Tuesday - true-to-you.net
10 June 2011

Three new songs by Morrissey will be broadcast on the Janice Long Show on BBC Radio 2 this coming Tuesday.

They are :


Update (June 10, 2011, 6:25 AM PT):

Posted in the comments by mywar:

"No Street involvement" on these three new songs, according to Boz on Facebook. Oh well.​

Posted in the forums by Oso Blanco:

Strange comment by Boz on his Facebook site:

Question regarding the Janice Long session: "Is it in the...​

"Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP" - Spinner

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"Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP" - Spinner Canada

Had Kristeen Young written 'It's a Wonderful Life,' hero George Bailey would have wound up with Violet Bick, a character the art-pop songstress hails as a sort of proto-feminist icon on 'V the Volcanic,' the title track from her latest EP.

Comprising seven songs, each written from the perspective of a favorite film character, 'Volcanic' marks the culmination of a decidedly less-than-wonderful stretch in Young's own life. In 2007, an off-color stage remark cost her a job opening for Morrissey, and soon after, she claims, Lady Gaga began copying some of the elaborate costumes she'd designed for her own live shows. (Check out pictures of Young's "bubble dress" and decide for yourself.)

Having emerged from her funk and recently...

No horse sausages (or no Morrissey) during Belgian concert

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No-horse-sausages-(or-no-Morrissey)-during-Belgian-concert - side-line.com

On August 4 the Belgian festival 'Lokerse Feesten' has Morrissey on the bill. Nothing special if it weren't for the fact that in order for Morrissey to play there, the festival agreed to close down all the stalls where meat is being served - during the whole day that is. So if you planned watching Morrissey whilst eating one of the delicious local made ham or horse sausages, then make sure to get one the day before or after because that festival day will be meat-free due to the ex-Smith singer going onstage.

The organizers were rather quick in accepting Morrissey's rather freaky demand, probably because they remembered that he once canceled a concert at Pinkpop back in 1987 because the organization's subcontractors providing the food did not want to close their hamburger stalls.

It will be the first time that...

'The Queen Is Dead' @ 25 - The Independent

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Bijou piece in todays 'Independent' newspaper ~

The Smiths - Days of whine and roses
The Smiths released The Queen is Dead a quarter of a century ago this month. Andy Gill reminisces, and today's stars pick their top tracks by the band

Friday, 3 June 2011

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