1 May 2011
April 30 statement from Morrissey - true-to-you.net
I'm sorry I made the Detergent O Leary radio interview so difficult but I was in a foul mood, having spent a full week surrounded by the royal dreading. England may very well be a Windsor dictatorship, but - PR Weddings aside, it is usually quite bearable.
If my Front Row (Radio 4) interview sounded chopped and cropped, that's because it was. I had spoken fluently about the royal dreading, but an Iranian censorship confiscated all of my views. It is distressing, but in all manner of British media in 2011 we are only allowed to hear the same old thoughts and feelings expressed over and over and over again.
During the week of the royal dreading, Poly Styrene died. Having made an enormous contribution to British art and sound – at a desperate time when so many of us needed her, Poly Styrene's death was all but ignored by the British television news media...