The Smiths - The Best British Band Of All Time? - God Is In The TV
By Loz Etheridge
Morrissey cuts a more controversial figure than ever these days, now well past the point where anyone could feasibly even
attempt to defend his offensive comments or totally unacceptable views. He has been reported as having said some truly shocking things in recent years, which none of us in our right minds would ever condone. To that end, for the sake of this article, I would like you to imagine, difficult as it may be, that after
The Smiths split up there was nothing but an eerie silence, at least from one quarter of Manchester’s favourite sons.
Instead, let’s go back to a happier time – a simpler time when we found ourselves punching the air in delight at the lyrical genius of ‘Mozzer’, marvelling at the seemingly very intelligent, eloquent but shy, gangly...