Morrissey Central "Tony Garnett" (January 13, 2020)

12 January 2020


The image used on Central appears to be from an episode of The Edgar Wallace Mysteries ('Incident At Midnight' - 1963).

He died aged 83 and was known for acting then TV and film production. Particularly noted for his work with Ken Loach (he helped with the Kes screenplay & production - a personal favourite).
Which is pretty much what the rest of the world thinks about Morrissey. o_O:lbf:When they think of him at all. o_O Personally I think Outside (1995), Heathen (2002) and especially Blackstar (2016) are pretty stellar albums. The last time Moz did something even nearly as good was You Are The Quarry.
Seems to me on here,that people need to remind themselves that a very long time ago Morrissey came from ordinary stock & was always been a unhinged character.
He appealed to the outsiders as his uniqueness/talent became legendary.This is not up for argument. There have been many stellar moments from his Smiths to Solo work.
So many high points...too many to point out.
He is & always will be a legend.
However like many famous stars his creativeness has diminished with age.
Also the audience changes as does the cultural environments that is making him less relevant.
Morrissey should realise this but ‍♂️.
Just accept that fame,money,time has changed & bent him out of all original shape.
For the worse? (maybe) but he has left a legacy of work better than most artists.
I couldn’t be bothered purchasing CS as I simply have lost interest in the fight of trying to hold him in too high a pedestal.
Close scrutiny has shown his failings but they have probably always been there.
I will always give him the time of day but accept that all has changed since from I first heard him...That’s just the way of things.
Or they don't know. Moz signing Bowie records is hardly big news. Most people couldn't care less about Moz.

He's not that unknown, he's got a credit on a Bowie album. It depends on the estate though, some are relaxed about image & some would hammer a local am-dram group in the outer hebrides for a play seen by 2 people & a sheep if it used them in some way.
Or they don't know. Moz signing Bowie records is hardly big news. Most people couldn't care less about Moz. o_O

Most people do care about Moz, so much so that even if they are not a member of Bowies family they let themselves get upset over these Moz autographs.

Sleepless nights for those that really care about and criticize what Moz says or does.

It’s ..... :lbf: :rofl:

It’s ...... :crazy::crazy::crazy:
Well, if we’re playing that game, almost everything you’ve ever said on this site has been said before and said better by someone else.
name it because I know you cant,on you go I will make it easy,a nice easy 3 to start off with.
For all we know he said something privately.

I believe so. It would have been wise for him to mourn, privately, at that time. If he hadn't, the media bully critics would have been all over him, portraying him as being insensitive attn-seeking opportunist, by digging up what he has long reconciled with & buried. He has every right to pay his respects in is own terms. in his own time/space. With M Central's posts honoring the mostly unknown, & forgotten talents, that he equally admires, they would be worth mentioning to familiarize the public, as they are well short of the extensive publicity and respects, in comparison to that of Bowie's death.
You're still on the ship, banging on about the mysteries of his psychology & lifestyle.
Fair enough. I’m invested.

...but I ain’t buying his sludge-level elevator pap on wax for 30 quid.

I remain because I’ve earned my spot. I’ve invested my time and money. I get rail on his casket.

If he puts out a decent song, maybe an album? ...maybe I won’t drop my end.
He's not that unknown, he's got a credit on a Bowie album. It depends on the estate though, some are relaxed about image & some would hammer a local am-dram group in the outer hebrides for a play seen by 2 people & a sheep if it used them in some way.
...and some just live every moment of their lives in the hopes that they might suck a cock that’s not even there.

The baggy - saggy trousers outta tell you all you need to know. Find a career. Be happy.

Melvis can’t save you from your misery.
...the f*** do you do on weekends, shit-stain? Prop up Melvis’ c*** and twiddle your wee tadger?

Fak Arf, fruitcake.

Smellvis, is fak arf polish words you learned for the never happening 'polish' tour:lbf:
will there be any hotels 10 min from the run down clatter boxes you plan to play at? So skinny surface can attend too.:lbf:

Smellvis here will be taking Poland by storm.:straightface:
any day now.:crazy:
...and some just live every moment of their lives in the hopes that they might suck a cock that’s not even there.

The baggy - saggy trousers outta tell you all you need to know. Find a career. Be happy.

Melvis can’t save you from your misery.

I'm sure the estates of dead stars will take your advice.
Do you ever think before you post this nonsense? Bowie has consistently outsold Morrissey throughout his career. David Bowie’s last album sold 3.5 MILLION VINYL UNITS in its first year. David Bowie still sells more now, posthumously - in EVERY format - than Morrissey and The Smiths, combined.

You could easily do some research to avoid making yourself look like a complete twat but - being a Melvis slug - the likelihood of you even caring about basic f***ing facts is slim to nil.

Carry on then.

3.5 million vinyl 'units' in the first yearo_O
Smellvis, have you been smoking the polish drugs?:lbf:
...and some just live every moment of their lives in the hopes that they might suck a cock that’s not even there.

The baggy - saggy trousers outta tell you all you need to know. Find a career. Be happy.

Melvis can’t save you from your misery.
learn to spell for a start,outta should be oughta or ought to.

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