Strangeways, Here We Come live and talkative

Again, I'm sorry for any complications, but i have made strides from my first project lol hang in there for me as I continue to share stuff in future to show my appreciation from the likes of others on this site that are very unselfish and kind
You probably need a music player that can open ".wma" files. Try VLC player, it can open almost every format out there.
vlc is in here, that's why i was surprised that it didnt want to open the other files. probably it's not the most recent updated version or sth like that. i'm pretty sure the source of the problem can be found on my machine, not jesus's.
Again, I'm sorry for any complications, but i have made strides from my first project lol hang in there for me as I continue to share stuff in future to show my appreciation from the likes of others on this site that are very unselfish and kind

No need to apologise. Your effort is appreciated. :)
Thanks for this. Have you got a live version of 'Death Of A Disco Dancer' other than the 2009 BBC Maida Vale version, please?
Thanks for this. Have you got a live version of 'Death Of A Disco Dancer' other than the 2009 BBC Maida Vale version, please?
matter of fact, there are several to choose from
this one is from the Greatest hits tour 2008, Jan 23rd London Roundhouse #3

the one that GirlAfraid mentioned which is good on the bside of the 7' of "Im Throwing My Arms Around Paris",
but if there is a specific live one you are looking for just shoot me the date and if I don't have it I know someone on forum does

this one here is from 2009 March 17 show
After a listen of this, you realize how good this band is.....totally Jamming
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I went along to that one. Here's a pic I took of him with a malfunctioning digital camera.
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Just sorted the link. I got my ticket for that a very short notice indeed. This was the other one...
This is a very cool picture. The damaged camera added a nice effect!
Great project. I just so wish that he would sing the final lines of “I Won’t Share You” from the album when he does it live.
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