Some great Moz sex/desire lines

It might be my dirty mind, but I've always been suspicious of: 'A crack on the head, is what you get for asking'
Just what kind of crack are we talking about here? 🍑 :unsure:
It might be my dirty mind, but I've always been suspicious of: 'A crack on the head, is what you get for asking'
Just what kind of crack are we talking about here? 🍑 :unsure:
Not too mention lyrics about 'unruly boys who must be taken in hand'. o_O
until he drew a swallow on my neck.
and more i will not say.
he drew a swallow deep and blue.
and soon,everyone knew.

filthy beast.
All of the gifts that they gave can't compare in any way
To the love I am now giving to you
Right here, right now on the floor
All of the gifts that they gave can't compare in any way
To the love I am now giving to you
Right here, right now on the floor
Sorry to spoil it for everyone, but remember,

Sex and love are not the same
Are not the same

But when they are,

Do you have the time to show me
What's it like
What's it like
Oh, what's it like
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