I hope Mozzy does whatever makes him happy and if sitting on music makes him happy for the moment, i am 100% behind him doing it.
No one has given me more, or given me anything more meaningful, or given me anything that will ever move me as much as his sweet lyrical heart on a string does.
When your life becomes your art and your art comes from the deepest and most private parts of your soul and from your psyche, the line looks very blurred where art ends and where life might begin, because all of those songs and all of those moments frozen in time on the records and in the performances, were all created from so many deeply biographical elements and sentiments, all so beautifully and painfully and nakedly enmeshed together and so deftly woven through.
Then for all the lyrics or stanzas or feelings encapsulated within them that ever resonated with anyone, a small, delicate golden thread was formed, and that golden thread represented the beginnings of the creation of a bond: between artist, art, and audience. The holy trinity. If enough delicate golden threads appear, soon, it’s a web.
And my shimmering, glimmering golden threaded web envelopes me because it’s personal and uniquely priceless to me.
So for someone who has already created and brought to light such a masterfully rich and evocative canon that already has no parallel or equal, and who has shared so much with so many, even though none of it could have ever been created for all those strangers and for so many unknown people in the first place…. It’s striking to think about and i know that there is no singer and there are no other songs that will ever move me or mean as much to me as these songs and words have done and still do. Songs and words and melodies, thoughts and feelings who have been my constant companion in my life and in my travels, when there have never been any other constants at all.
I hope Mozzy sits on his songs for as long as he wants to or until he gets pins and needles or until he gets whatever deal he wants, or until anything in between.
For as long as I can still look forward to more concerts, to a next tour, to hearing new and old songs again, live, whenever that “next” will be, those are my happiest thoughts. And everything else will come when it’s meant to come, or whenever it’ll be possible.
I’m very excited about this upcoming full July tour schedule. Somebody post a super clip from a great recent concert! Because I’m in the mood right nowwwwww!!!