Calling all Moz devotees: I am not sure if this is the best place to post this, but Richard Blade just announced Morrissey will be featured on his Sirius 1st Wave "New Sensation Tuesdays" segment. The show airs each Tuesday evening at 6 PM (eastern)/3 PM (pacific) and features recent music from a new wave artist. If memory serves me correctly, there will not be an interview or anything like that, but Blade usually features a new song alongside an older one. I believe Alain Whyte was featured recently and was mentioned somewhere in the forum. Hope this tiny bit of news finds all in good spirits as we inch closer to the holiday season (and hopefully, more music from our dear leader).
Jamie posted in the comments:
Richard Blade commented on one of Alain's Facebook stories that it will be "Rebels Without Applause" that he plays.
Jamie posted in the comments:
Richard Blade commented on one of Alain's Facebook stories that it will be "Rebels Without Applause" that he plays.
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