Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast food chains

Once again he shoots himself in the foot.

Morrissey: 'Norway Attacks Nothing Compared To Actions Of Fast Good Giants' - Gigwise
He claims...

Morrissey has courted criticism after he reportedly compared the actions of fast food companies to the recent attacks in Norway.

At least 76 people died last week in two separate attacks which were both orchestrated by far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik.

Morrissey, a staunch vegetarian, made reference the massacre during a performance in at Stodola Club in Warsaw, Poland earlier this week, according to the Daily Mirror.

Before playing The Smiths' song 'Meat is Murder', he is quoted as saying: “We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 dead.

“Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Sh*t every day.”

Video footage of Morrissey performing the song has been published on YouTube, but it omits his alleged introduction.

Morrissey's comment is the latest in a string of outbursts in recent months, many of which have focussed on animal welfare.

Link from Tingle3:

Morrissey says Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast food chains - Daily Mirror
by Ashleigh Rainbird

MORRISSEY has sparked outrage after saying the tragedy in Norway was “nothing” compared to the actions of fast food chains.

The controversial singer, 52, made his remark while on stage at a gig in Warsaw on Sunday night.

Before launching into his hit Meat is Murder, the outspoken vegetarian made reference to the horrific events last Friday.

Referring to the death toll as thought at the time he said: “We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 dead. Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried S*** every day.”

Two nights earlier the singer introduced the same song with another lambasting of the brands.

Gig-goers took to his fan sites to condemn the his outburst. One wrote: “The killing of children compared to KFC & McDonald’s?!!! What an ass****!”

Another wrote: “I really don’t know if that is *forgivable? Or of any use to the vegetarian cause?”

A spokesman said last night: “Morrissey has decided not to comment any further as he believes his statement speaks for itself.”

Update 10/18/2011:

Sistasheila posted the link to the video and actual words spoken during the concert:

"Despite the love, we do live on a murderous planet,
as you will have seen over the last few days in Norway.
Murder murder murder.
But really, every single day, worse things happen in KFC and McDonalds.
Murder, murder, murder, murder, murder..."

Link from inourbritches:
Morrissey: 'McDonald's, KFC worse than Norway massacre' - Digital Spy

Also, links posted by anonymous persons in the Warsaw post-show:
Meat biz worse than Norway: Morrissey - LFPress /
Morrissey lekceważąco o norweskiej tragedii -
Morrissey: – Massakren i Norge er ingenting mot massakren på Mc Donald's hver dag -

80s Icon in Hot Water, a Facebook Status Leads To an Arrest, and a Whale Thanks its Rescuers in a Touching Way - Yahoo! News blog. Link from Desert Bee.
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This is pure Moz hyperbole - he is a situationist: say something 'outrageous' to provoke a reaction, shake people out of their slumber. It has certainly worked. Thank God there are still people like Moz around - anything to kick against the anodyne drudgery of all the media propaganda.
Is nobody moderating this topic? So far I've read about people wanting Morrissey to have a heart attack and people wanting both him and his family to be shot. Whatever you think of his comments about Norway that is completely out of order.

Is it any wonder that he has such disdain for this website when things like this are allowed to go on? This is a topic that is obviously causing a lot of debate and rightly so but come on, what are comments like the ones I've highlighted really adding to it?
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

This is pure Moz hyperbole - he is a situationist: say something 'outrageous' to provoke a reaction, shake people out of their slumber. It has certainly worked. Thank God there are still people like Moz around - anything to kick against the anodyne drudgery of all the media propaganda.

See, that's the same sorry "excuse" the Oslo murderer used: He thaught he had to give the people a wake up call. Thank god there are people like him around...

How 'bout just stickin' to the case and don't act so ignorant? It's pretty cheap to make a point on behalf of such an incident.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

This is pure Moz hyperbole - he is a situationist: say something 'outrageous' to provoke a reaction, shake people out of their slumber. It has certainly worked. Thank God there are still people like Moz around - anything to kick against the anodyne drudgery of all the media propaganda.

Where is the media propaganda in the reporting of the Norway massacre?
Saw this on Twitter: “Congratulations to Morrissey. It takes an exceptional brand of tosspot to capitalise on mass murder to further the cause of chickens.”
If the quote as reported is correct, then I understand why some people feel that he was dismissive of what happened in Norway, and I can certainly understand why they would feel hurt by that. I'm not feeling outraged, just sad, because I agree with Je Suis Julie that Morrissey's message is lost in the frenzied whirlpool of emotional reaction to his comment. And I can see how this would be frustrating to people who agree with his message and want to see more attention paid to animal rights issues.

Really, the only fact of this story is that, to Morrissey, a life is a life is a life is a life. And, no, that shouldn't be a surprise to his fans.

However, I see no positive effect, nothing that will further the cause of animal rights, in saying one tragedy is "nothing compared to" another. Though I agree that he was speaking statistically, I suspect that both the cow and the human, when facing the executioner, feel much the same terror and don't particularly care about numbers. And when it's the suffering you're concerned with, I don't understand making comparisons.

Just as someone mentioned earlier that people were complaining about giving sympathy to Amy Winehouse when there's this awful tragedy in Norway, people like that don't seem to understand that it is actually possible for a person to feel sorrow about MANY things at the same time. It's also possible to stand up for one cause without harming another. I passionately believe in doing all we can to prevent unnecessary suffering and cruelty in a world that seems to be saturated in it, and I think we do that when we're thoughtful in both deeds AND words.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

Reading the original quote - not within the context of the news stories that have been reported - I think when he says 'it is nothing compared to what goes on...' I think the 'it' he refers to is the number of deaths rather than the story as a whole. And I'm a meat eater who's just had a fantastic feast from Burger King.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

Let's all not react with the moral outrage that the tabloids are constantly trying to prod us into, and stop and think for a second instead. Unlike Morrissey on occasion.

Yes exactly. It's clear from evolution that we're all 'animals'. Meat is murder on a larger scale than the horrible event in Norway.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

Where is the media propaganda in the reporting of the Norway massacre?

The event in itself is propaganda considering that it was so blatantly a false-flag operation. The media propaganda machine functions by spewing at you either useless drivel or hyping events to scare you into submission. Just as Op: Fast and furious was used to rape the second amendment, these Norway events are being used, at least in the US, to further an agenda started by the Department of Homeland Security to portray white middle-class Americans as the new terrorist threat. Morrissey is attempting to use this situation to further peoples awareness of another situation that is killing people everyday as well, he just unfortunately went about it in the wrong way this time. The only reason everyone seems to be crying about it is because they idolize him as a God. He makes some damn fine music is all, appreciate him for that, don't hate him because of his own views people.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

To be honest this norway thing is f***in boring
hes done it so what hes insne or he isnt
get over it
im more concerned about getting rupetr murdoch locked up

if only

filthy lies his sun newsp\aper spouted about liverpol fans

you need stringing up mate

Where is the media propaganda in the reporting of the Norway I massacre?
Problem is, Morrissey isn't gaining anything for his case by saying this. His fanatic followers will still be there for sure, but I doubt he will save any new souls.
So in addition to making a tasteless comment to make a point on behalf of the massacre, he surely weakens his case. And that should upset his followers, too...
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

I'm choosing to include the comment by the original poster. I understand you do not feel that is the place for commentary, but historically that's how the articles have been presented by those who posted them as most originate from the forums.

You are continuing to do it because "historically" that is how you've done it? In other words, you refuse to change a policy despite its obviously being ill-advised.

Perhaps the reason is that this would amount to admitting to having a mistake, something you "historically" seldom do?
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

To be honest this norway thing is f***in boring
hes done it so what hes insne or he isnt
get over it
im more concerned about getting rupetr murdoch locked up

if only

filthy lies his sun newsp\aper spouted about liverpol fans

you need stringing up mate

Thank you.
Oh, silly me. I copied my last comment from elsewhere and forgot to edit out the references to that conversation. But the bulk of it is still relevant. :/
I am starting to wonder, is he developing some kind of mental illness? If not, well, I used to respect and admire you, now you disgust me, you sick sick bastard. And btw your last stuff is crap.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

If the quote as reported is correct, then I understand why some people feel that he was dismissive of what happened in Norway, and I can certainly understand why they would feel hurt by that. I'm not feeling outraged, just sad, because I agree with Je Suis Julie that Morrissey's message is lost in the frenzied whirlpool of emotional reaction to his comment. And I can see how this would be frustrating to people who agree with his message and want to see more attention paid to animal rights issues.

Really, the only fact of this story is that, to Morrissey, a life is a life is a life is a life. And, no, that shouldn't be a surprise to his fans.

However, I see no positive effect, nothing that will further the cause of animal rights, in saying one tragedy is "nothing compared to" another. Though I agree that he was speaking statistically, I suspect that both the cow and the human, when facing the executioner, feel much the same terror and don't particularly care about numbers. And when it's the suffering you're concerned with, I don't understand making comparisons.

Just as someone mentioned earlier that people were complaining about giving sympathy to Amy Winehouse when there's this awful tragedy in Norway, people like that don't seem to understand that it is actually possible for a person to feel sorrow about MANY things at the same time. It's also possible to stand up for one cause without harming another. I passionately believe in doing all we can to prevent unnecessary suffering and cruelty in a world that seems to be saturated in it, and I think we do that when we're thoughtful in both deeds AND words.

Well spoken! Though I disagree on the cow/human comparison, you speak wisely! I have no problem with people having other opinions than myself, but I do dislike disrespect.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

I posted the article and made the comment, which I stand by.

"The original remarks" are NOT "classic Morrissey". There's no wit in what he said

Morrissey is not your ever-waggish rent-a-gay, obliged to keep you in stitches. He is a major artist and a moral compass for many of his listeners.

and using the Norway killings is the worst form of opportunism.

He made a very simple point about hypocrisy in public sentiment--the showy concern for one tragedy while a more constant one goes uncommented upon. It's a shame you can't follow that.

At a time when he has no record company he really is doing himself no favours. He needs all the fans he can get right now

If you believe Morrissey really "can't" get a record deal, then you must also believe that nobody loves him, and that he's the world's ugliest man. With fans as bright as these...

and his latest foot-in-mouth outburst is hardly going to convert anyone to his music or his politics.

His melodies and lyrics convert people to his music. As for his politics, it's limited to a few select issues on which he has very defensible and admirable standards.

To put it bluntly: you don't get him, you evidently never got him, so shove OFF.
Oh dear. Death threats, capital letter "shouting and screaming", trashing your own stuff, people are getting completely overwrought here.

Morrissey's views on animal rights are well known, the fact that he doesn't always appear to think things through before he speaks (just like all of us) is also well known. Nothing new or different has been said. It is obviously true that there are more animal lives lost every day to fast food than in any act of violence towards humans. Morrissey feels strongly enough about this to mention it at his show. I don't think it was just a throw-away remark but a deep felt belief that he wanted to get across. Should he have said anything at all in times of national grieving? a bit unnecessary maybe but Morrissey always speaks from the heart and that's why we have him in our lives.

Now, of course we are all entitled to disagree, never buy his stuff, never darken the door of his gigs again but come on. The stuff being written on here (by people who can't even spellhis name btw) is ridiculous. Mass hysteria seems to have broken out. Get a bit of perspective here, a singer has said something you don't agree with. Use your right to reply and then go on with your lives.

On the other hand you can smash up your own backyard, throw away your possessions, gorge yourselves on meat, buy several McDonalds daily for the rest of your lives, yes that'll teach him!!! And there you all are calling on psychiatric help for HIM.
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

To be honest this norway thing is f***in boring
hes done it so what hes insne or he isnt
get over it
im more concerned about getting rupetr murdoch locked up

if only

filthy lies his sun newsp\aper spouted about liverpol fans

you need stringing up mate

My God... You call yourself a Liverpool supporter (obviously, because of the mentioning of the lies printed by the S**), and you tell US to get over it???
Have you told Hillsborough Justice Campaign to get over it?
Re: Article: Morrissey: Norway massacre is "nothing" compared to the actions of fast

Yes, I could have deleted it but didn't, it was the original poster's comment. It goes both ways - most comments that are included with articles are positive, you seem to be upset in this case as it doesn't align with your views.

He is upset because it is an egregious foregrounding of a dismissive attitude, at a time when that attitude is virtually the official stance of this website. That is obvious. It is also a mistake no high school newspaper editor wouldn't be taken to task over--yet you're prepared to argue into the night over it. It is what you "historically" have done. People who want you to do other than you do want to "censor" you, and censor others, and so on and so on. Etc etc etc.

Please stop deflecting criticism rather than responding to it. There is a difference.

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