Morrissey A-Z: "Roy's Keen"

I don't really think it should have been a single, but otherwise it's fine, and certainly not worthy of being 'cancelled' from the reissue. There is a place for chirpy, silly, throwaway songs like this. Not everything needs to be deep and meaningful. This track would have made a charming Smiths B-Side. Lightweight, disposable fluff - but plenty o' fun.
I’m not too keen on this one.

I don't really think it should have been a single, but otherwise it's fine, and certainly not worthy of being 'cancelled' from the reissue. There is a place for chirpy, silly, throwaway songs like this. Not everything needs to be deep and meaningful. This track would have made a charming Smiths B-Side. Lightweight, disposable fluff - but plenty o' fun.
Hmm, not really. The Smiths B-sides were almost always amazing. 9 or 10/10. This is a 6/10 max.
Would have been an ok-but-quite-disappointing mid-period Morrissey B-side. Nowhere near the quality of The Smiths.
I agree with the previous poster who mentioned that Trouble Loves Me would certainly have been the best choice for 2nd single. Not only because it's a much better song, but it would have provided some much needed substance.

Releasing singles entitled Alma Matters, Roy's Keen and Satan Rejected My Soul certainly didn't do anything to boost his career and I recall that some newspaper reviewers, who had only heard the singles, questioned whether he could ever write a genuinely good and non-trivial song again. Thankfully the singles of 2004 were a different matter entirely.
Don't really understand this focus on song titles. What's the relevance of a title like Suedehead for example? Zero, I'd say but it's a flipping great song.
You're underplaying the success of Alma Matters. After The More You Ignore Me in early 94, it marked the only return to the top 20 that Morrissey managed in the whole of the 1990s. It was also an airplay hit (A-listed by Radio 1) and marked his only other (broadcast) Top of the Pops appearance of the decade after Ignore Me. As for bad puns, how many other people would even know the Latin phrase 'alma mater'? Hardly any. A song's title is largely irrelevant to its success. It's only really the catchiness of the chorus that counts.
Even if some don't like it it's far better than Satan Rejected My Soul, which in my opinion should've been a B side.
OK, Roy’s Keen is not the greatest Morrissey single but, in fairness, of all the songs on 'Maladjusted' few would have got a great deal of airplay back in 1997, when such things, presumably, mattered. What other choice could Island have gone with? (Trouble Loves Me would have been my choice, but would have likely received zero airplay). I have only just noticed that Roy’s Keen was omitted from the 2009 release of ‘Maladjusted’, another bizarre decision in a catalogue of bizarre decisions.

This song always makes me thing of Robin Asquith and all those tongue-in-cheek Confessions films….
View attachment 74726
used to love the confessions films,just thinking,what had more tits the confessions films or the bunch of tits who come on here.

We round off the R's with this Morrissey/Whyte composition from the Maladjusted album. Also released as a single, it reached #42 on the UK singles chart. (Hence the recorded performance for Top of the Pops was never shown and only dusted off for TOTP2 a few years later.)

What do we think of this one?

A song from the last truly English Lp, he would ever make and to me. a fantastic lp. The intro is my fave into song since QID.
Sorry to bang on about the English thing, but there are Mexicans who actually think he is Mexican.

Some even think he would be nowhere if not for them. I remind them there are no Mexicans who fill the venues in the UK and Ireland, Israel and Japan , Australia or Sweden, this fact is lost on them
Some even say " we are his real fans" yet they have no clue about the reference points and even the ones who read up and do, they don't get them on any real deep, lived level, how could they?
He was always classed as the most British of performers and that for some of us, the moment he went full-on for the Mexican fan base, was when his lyrics went to shit
So, getting that off my blessed chest, Back to the song, M seems to be ashamed of it, I see no reason why... Its not quite "I Keep Mine Hidden" , its not too far from there though,
Its the film Confessions Of A Window Cleaner in a couple of minutes. Quite a nice tune from Alain as well .
When the lp came out I listened to this, Maladjusted, Wide To Receive and He Cried ( I even threw in his Tales Of The Unexpected influenced, Sorrow Will Come In The End)

Edit: Had to change an embarrassment of spelling mistakes, sorry to everyone who waded through it. I was hard at OT , working on a Saturday is a B I A T C H
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