Wow. You clearly can’t even handle basic grammar, let alone a different opinion to your own. When I first I got into The Smiths many, many moons ago, their fans were known, regarded and renowned for being literate and articulate with their thoughts and opinions. Clearly no longer, if you’re the standard the rest of us are to be judged by.
And when the likes of you are the personification of those who follow him these days, it comes as no great surprise that Morrissey’s lyrical content - pretty much like his standards - have plummeted like Icarus in recent times. Sadder than sad, but all too inevitable really.
P.S. - He sings better than ever. But (with the exception of the thrillingly great ‘I Thought You Were Dead’ and the stellar covers of ‘Morning Starship’ and ‘It Happens....’) his newer material has become lazy, stale, uninspired and woeful. He can do so much better, but he simply can’t be bothered to raise his game. That’s disappointing, yet most indicative of where his head is these days.