Daily Mail: "Big Mouth Strikes AGAIN! Morrissey is filmed from his BA business class seat demanding to be 'let off' the plane..." (May 13, 2023)


Big Mouth Strikes AGAIN! Morrissey is filmed from his BA business class seat demanding to be 'let off' the plane that was grounded due to stormy weather

Severe thunderstorms meant his flight from London Heathrow to the Irish capital was diverted to Shannon on the west coast of Ireland where it sat on the tarmac for almost two hours until the weather improved.

But once on the tarmac, witnesses said Morrissey demanded to speak to the captain and asked to be 'let off' the Airbus A320 as he didn't 'want to be hanging around in [a] coffin' for hours.

Video passed to MailOnline shows him standing at the front of the plane, in a blue suit, talking to a cabin crew member who is heard telling him: 'We have to put the paperwork in the computer, close the door and then off we go'.

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3 things

I always thought the "Morrissey drinks" rumours were made up. I've never seen a video where you can even guess. Here he looks drunk and that's before the flight.

The fact that he's surrounded by nothing but lackeys can be seen in Damon, who just stands there and looks like his master makes a fool of himself. Little interaction from the best friend on the payroll.

Fascinating how 3-4 users here make expressions of understanding at a nervous pace. Morrissey has done everything right. Sure.
True. I’m more concerned about his recurring drinking habit and it’s inevitable consequences than his strops. We all know he’s a diva etc, but the Morrissey of old cared about image and would never conduct himself like this in public and be witnessed in such an embarrassing display. The airline could easily purse criminal charges and Morrissey should be grateful they're downplaying this
Arrest someone for raising their voice? Arrest us all then. I'd prefer the police to arrest paedos, rapists, and murderers, if you don't mind. Do you sign off every post with 'what a prick'?
No. Just when I see someone behaving like a prick.

Just for a minute forget the person in the video is Morrissey and imagine someone behaving like that on your next flight. Wouldn’t you think they were being a prick?

as for the arrest comment, being drunk and bad mouthing people on a plane just isnt tolerated. They don’t stand for it, this isn’t your local high street, it’s a place where safety and security very taken seriously.
3 things

I always thought the "Morrissey drinks" rumours were made up. I've never seen a video where you can even guess. Here he looks drunk and that's before the flight.

The fact that he's surrounded by nothing but lackeys can be seen in Damon, who just stands there and looks like his master makes a fool of himself. Little interaction from the best friend on the payroll.

Fascinating how 3-4 users here make expressions of understanding at a nervous pace. Morrissey has done everything right. Sure.
its a saturday night should you not be out enjoying yourself,and before you say shoudnt you be out enjoying yourself,im just in from a very good day in the beer garden of my local, im just in for the start eurovision thong contest.
He wouldn’t have known how long it would be.

Why cannot passengers be left off the plane in a case like this anyway?
I hate the thought of being locked inside of a closed space and being told that I am not allowed out. To me, that is like being in jail, except you've committed no offense to warrant your containment.
his clapping reminds me of the hand claps in staircase at the university which im listening to right now.fantastiche as they say in german porn films which i have never seen and will be damned if i am ever forced to watch one.
its a saturday night should you not be out enjoying yourself,and before you say shoudnt you be out enjoying yourself,im just in from a very good day in the beer garden of my local, im just in for the start eurovision thong contest.
Im watching it too. Don't wanna miss Germany with a Rammstein-like act winning the ESC again.
his clapping reminds me of the hand claps in staircase at the university which im listening to right now.fantastiche as they say in german porn films which i have never seen and will be damned if i am ever forced to watch one.
Cum on!
another thing she said we are just putting stuff into the computer,its 2023.
The video footage was very disappointing, in my opinion. I was ready to watch, well, something more than that! I wouldn't have paid a dime for that video. It shows almost nothing. I was expecting to see more. What a let down. I got excited for nothing.
Well, judging by the video, this is not at all like the "egregious scandal on board the plane", as is usually the case, and the press, as expected, "exaggerated" to attract more readers. One way or another, Morrissey just sneered and clapped his hands, while other "characters" can refer to the attendants as servants, pester other passengers and so on. Everyone has difficult days, there are just those who behave even more or less adequately, despite the circumstances, and there are those who blow their heads straight if something goes wrong; and these savages begin to take revenge on others (especially on the staff). Morrissey is certainly a man with a difficult character, but I don't think he enjoys taking out someone's brain for the reason "because I'm a star, and you all owe me."
its a saturday night should you not be out enjoying yourself,and before you say shoudnt you be out enjoying yourself,im just in from a very good day in the beer garden of my local, im just in for the start eurovision thong contest.
Ive not heard a standout winner yet, i want the geezers in their pants singing about tractors to win. If anything can unify europe its geezers in their pants singing about tractors.
This flight has opened my eyes...

Stop me if you've had your flight delayed before...
No. Just when I see someone behaving like a prick.

Just for a minute forget the person in the video is Morrissey and imagine someone behaving like that on your next flight. Wouldn’t you think they were being a prick?

as for the arrest comment, being drunk and bad mouthing people on a plane just isnt tolerated. They don’t stand for it, this isn’t your local high street, it’s a place where safety and security very taken seriously.

He wasn't arrested. And he wasn't endangering the plane. If it was anyone else it wouldn't have made the press due to lack of drama.

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