"Bobby, Don't You Think They Know?' single release March 2020, with Thelma Houston - TH FB

[I don't recall seeing this detail anywhere else, apologies if it's already been covered!]
Posted by Thelma Houston Official on Facebook:

Yes the rumors are true that the wonderful song I recorded for Morrissey’s new CD called “I Am Not A Dog On A Chain” (to be released on @thenewbmg @bmguk ) is scheduled to be the first single release in March 2020! The song is called “Bobby, Don’t You Think They Know?” It was produced by the legendary Joe Chiccarelli @artfitpro . I am so excited and thankful about this upcoming song with Morrissey


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uhh demasiada politica no pueden generar alguna discusion sobre algun tema gracioso referido a Moz creo q este es un sitio dedicado a el.. o no,?? Se pone aburrido en un punto !!
Now, back on topic o_O
Thelma described Bobby Don't You Think They Know as having a Gimme Shelter vibe.


p.s. sorry for font and post size, either it would be lost in this off-topic :)
nerak as one of the few scots who have been coming here since 2004,im probably twice your age and seen the depletion of the shipyards in my own town which made some of the biggest ships in the world at the time,dont get the oppression your going on about,your not in trainspotting now.

I was joking!
Yes the politically correct term is "Woman of colour" which is sooooooo much better. They're both creepy either way. Or one could use the term "Woman".
The correct term is black. Like I said, is everyone racist on here?
To Anon 6e7cba1833 (full-time resident troll)

Nobody is flawless. We all have our likes and dislikes in life. You rate yourself and those you run with a little too highly for reality. Nobody is a saint. Morrissey included. His only crime is being in love with an England and a quintessential sense of Englishness that is now passing. He is not alone in this feeling, and it proves he is human. Which I find is one of his attributes. His human honesty.

Whereas you are a bog standard virtue signaller with an intolerant, authoritarian personality disorder. People like you are the reason why the word fascist is bandied about so often nowadays - and with good reason. You might think you are left wing but you are mistaken. You're thinking is petty and intolerant. In fact it is your line of thinking that is drawing people towards the right as you give the Corbynite socialist left (that I proudly belong to) a bad name.

M has never pandered to the gay community or to anybody. The fact he is doing a duet with a proud coloured negress lady is quite beautiful considering he has erroneously been accused of prejudice by brattish intolerants in the Guardian paper (who come from your line of thinking). Julia Wong clearly has identity and self hate issues with her blend of Judaism/yellowness that makes her such an aesthetically ugly specimen to look at, so she vents her frustration by being racist towards proud caucasians like M.

You carry a similar chip on your shoulder - are you a self hating gay perhaps? I've read that certain clinics can cure those with your affliction. You are definitely an authoritarian personality who vents your underlying issues through trolling, so you tell me...

“Coloured negress”. That’s the dated language Morrissey fans use. You’re a racist, but you know that and you’re proud of it.
A hate filled 'racist' would never have his arm around a coloured lady. Especially not somebody as stubborn as M who doesn't pander or suffer regret. So you're wrong. So what if he's said a few edgy things in the past? Don't we all say and feel such things occasionally? Don't we all feel slightly misanthropic sometimes? It just proves he's human - and that you think like a fascist.
Morrissey's only doing tokenism. A cynical little thing that gullible types in denial like yourself all too easily swallow. Thanks for demonstrating this, Pipps!
Would you believe it! An echo chamber for bigots run by someone the subject of the site views as "...a subspecies". Is it 2019....or 1933? Answers on a postcard, please.
Would you believe it! An echo chamber for bigots run by someone the subject of the site views as "...a subspecies". Is it 2019....or 1933? Answers on a postcard, please.

It's hardly an echo chamber - it's packed full of obsessive Morrissey haters who ignore 99% of everything he's ever said to focus on a few pull-quotes & a pin.
Would you believe it! An echo chamber for bigots run by someone the subject of the site views as "...a subspecies". Is it 2019....or 1933? Answers on a postcard, please.

F-Off Skinners...I prefer this place when you're not in here
Would you believe it! An echo chamber for bigots run by someone the subject of the site views as "...a subspecies". Is it 2019....or 1933? Answers on a postcard, please.

...and the forum dies! hip-hip-hurray!!
F-Off Skinners...I prefer this place when you're not in here
And thus spake a true saddo assuming everyone different to him with a different opinion is ‘Skinny on the down low. Try getting out a little more. I could make a man of you. In the next life, with any luck
he looks like he's been propped up a la weekend at bernie's. lolol weekend at morrissey's. could explain what's going on with all of the weird things he's saying lately.

It's hardly an echo chamber - it's packed full of obsessive Morrissey haters who ignore 99% of everything he's ever said to focus on a few pull-quotes & a pin.
The pull-quotes and pin, Kerrygold, cashmere and cut-off t-shirt simply illustrate the hypocrisy and fakery behind 99% of everything he’s ever said.

Some of us have been paying attention since 1983. ...likely we’ll before you were born.

This site is about all-things Melvis. It’s not just a haven for ball-washers, felchers and sycophants. Nobody hates Melvis. On the contrary...

Hit Central, if you’ve got nothing but fawning. Otherwise? Suck it up, buttercup.

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