Bad news - Philadelphia postponed "due to illness in the touring party"

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Philadelphia cancelled / postponed:

Anyone got any details. Drivers, turn around.


UPDATE Dec. 6:

Posted by modrevolve:

Philly is now officially cancelled. Refunds to come.
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Were folks REALLY lined up at 3am for this GA show? 11am even sounds a little crazy these days... and that guy said he was 27th in line.

Like I said, got there at 11 and there were 28 people on the list already signed in. First 3 or 4 people time signed the list at 330 to 4 am
Open letter to morrissey:

As I write this note I am recovering from another Morrissey cancellation.
I’m sure there are other fans similar to me that will agree with this note.
One year ago I was standing with others in Colorado,morrissey took the stage and announced he would not be playing that night. Not my first cancellation but what a let down. I felt like I was done with planes,hotels and shows. But of course I find myself back for Philadelphia show. More hotels and planes. Morrissey again with a late cancel. I saw the band and morrissey 2 nights proir in ny from up close. The band looked completely healthy. I don’t see how someone became so ill they could not play. Is that the real reason? Who was sick and what happened to them? How are you still going on tv today? Time to grow up moz. Your actions have consequences to your fans and you don’t seem to care.
Like many others here on this site. I am an older guy and have many responsibilities in my life. Family,work and more. All put aside for a moz show. It takes a lot to get everything taken care of to attend a show. He doesn’t even show up or give a valid argument. Classless. Now back to my regular life. More laughs and mocking from friends who will ask how was the concert? Then I explain it didn’t happen and the response is Cancellled on you Again?? Hahaha. Getting tired of that.
Like many others here on this site. I am an older guy and have many responsibilities in my life. Family,work and more. All put aside for a moz show. It takes a lot to get everything taken care of to attend a show. He doesn’t even show up or give a valid argument. Classless. Now back to my regular life. More laughs and mocking from friends who will ask how was the concert? Then I explain it didn’t happen and the response is Cancellled on you Again?? Hahaha. Getting tired of that.
I have a surfire solution that will INSTANTLY prevent any and all chances of this situation repeating in the future...

Don’t buy tickets to Morrissey’s shows.
Uncle Steve and Aunt Nancy's home is in danger! I reckon maybe this is why he had to cancel. I reckon he had to make a trip back home.

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I have a surfire solution that will INSTANTLY prevent any and all chances of this situation repeating in the future...

Don’t buy tickets to Morrissey’s shows.

I am not the problem here. It is him who makes plans and breaks them. You are right, but I would rather see the show and have him come through. It’s not asking too much.
Forget about Boston.. don’t think it’s gonna happen ...I’m suddenly thinking about what crystal grezer said about the KROQ some days ago ...
Omg i hope he’s not being a baby over this wtf!
If you travel more than an hour to see a moz gig you are an idiot. If he cancels bc the wind is not blowing in his exact direction at all times and forces ppl to waste and lose money it’s bc he is an idiot. If it’s bc he’s barfing with the flu than that us acceptable. I am sick and tired of having to hand wipe idiotic asses ppl get your ducking shit together and do your goddam thing. Wtf! We all have f***ing jobs. Do them.
Open letter to morrissey:

As I write this note I am recovering from another Morrissey cancellation.
I’m sure there are other fans similar to me that will agree with this note.
One year ago I was standing with others in Colorado,morrissey took the stage and announced he would not be playing that night. Not my first cancellation but what a let down. I felt like I was done with planes,hotels and shows. But of course I find myself back for Philadelphia show. More hotels and planes. Morrissey again with a late cancel. I saw the band and morrissey 2 nights proir in ny from up close. The band looked completely healthy. I don’t see how someone became so ill they could not play. Is that the real reason? Who was sick and what happened to them? How are you still going on tv today? Time to grow up moz. Your actions have consequences to your fans and you don’t seem to care.
I care. I just don't know what's going on though. At least you know something.
I really don’t know anything. I’m just deducing from anomalies.
If you travel more than an hour to see a moz gig you are an idiot. If he cancels bc the wind is not blowing in his exact direction at all times and forces ppl to waste and lose money it’s bc he is an idiot. If it’s bc he’s barfing with the flu than that us acceptable. I am sick and tired of having to hand wipe idiotic asses ppl get your ducking shit together and do your goddam thing. Wtf! We all have f***ing jobs. Do them.

CrystalGeezer, your so cool, I want to be just like you when I get older.
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Just wanted to vent my frustration. My friend drove from Massachusetts, picked me up in NYC, and we drove the 2 and a half hours to Philly, only to get a parking spot around the corner from the venue at around 5pm and then be told the show is canceled.

I missed a day of work to make this trip, I think my friend might have also. We paid about $30 in gas for the drive to and from Philly.

I was beyond angry. I defend Morrissey, I constantly sing the praises of his solo material despite bad reviews and some questionable choices. I have turned so many people into Morrissey fans throughout my life.

I don't care that he fights with managers, record labels, the press, etc. I care that he treats his own fans, the ones who stand by him, so poorly. If a band member was what? Put on the show anyway. Say the band member was sick and make the songs a little different. Be a musician. I've had bands and I've had band members not show up, WE STILL JUST DID THE SHOW. Just do the damn show.

We hung out in Philly, got some pizza, walked around, then drove home.
Cancelled, eh? Maybe he skimmed over the itinerary very quickly and saw PA., and just assumed the show was in Pittsburgh?

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