True, there is censorship all over the internet. A lot of the strictures that apply to saying unkind things about Jews fall under the broader umbrella of what is termed "hate speech," which applies not only to Jews but to many other groups as well. Censorship specifically targeting anti-Semites, though, is not as common, though of course it exists. Mainly we see this as it applies to Holocaust denial. This is not so much a Jewish stricture as it is a governmental one. Germany for example is a minority Jewish country, but it has anti-Holocaust denial laws on the books. You might argue that the members of the German government are puppets on strings, being controlled by Jews. But that requires a certain faith in what is yet unproven (i.e., a Hebraeo-Luciferian cabal of global dominance), proof of which relies on circular logic or secret gnosis, and it is more likely (and more evident) that the Germans are simply ashamed of their country's past and wish to quash any distasteful re-emergences of that sort of thing.
I think it was Christopher Hitchens who said something like, "why is it always that those who deny the Holocaust seem be to the very people who ought to be overjoyed that it happened?" Anyway, consider that in the U.S., the passage of anti-BDS laws do not even require puppet politicians on Jewish strings, since many elected officials here are Evangelical Protestants who support the existence of Israel due to some queer eschatological beliefs they hold about Jesus coming down from the clouds on a white horse when the Jews are returned to Zion. Or something of the sort.
If you are pro-family, then that is your stance—but your avatar, which is a very good one indeed, appears to be our beloved Morrissey holding a lamb. I will assume for the moment that you share (admirably) his concern for animal welfare. But if this is so, then kindly consider that the promotion of marriage and breeding is very bad for animals, statistically speaking, since vegans and vegetarians are only a small portion of the populace, and most people who marry and reproduce will only spawn more eaters of meat, increasing the demand for factory farming. "And such kids come to resemble their parents as ten pounds of shit in a five-pound bag," as Morrissey put it.
The would-be God Emperor, I think, would not quite share your policy ideals. He has been critical of marriage ("Will Never Marry," "Kick the Bride Down the Aisle") as well as reproduction ("I'm The End of the Family Line"). I get the pronounced sense that the whole pro-family, "manly men and breeding women" scene is rather abhorrent to his tastes. He finds such people dull. The only "manliness" that appeals to him is probably of the, um, homoerotic sort. I do not think he holds to the idea of a strong, fertile, godly populace being the ideal. "The strong are always barbaric, and the finest working models of American society are still those who would never dare question firmness, strictness, Christianity, or the untouchable food and farming industries." And if you want to talk about "decay," then I submit to you that Morrissey is a decadent. At least aesthetically—artistically. Decadent with a capital D. Oscar Wilde and all that. A maundering, die-away effeminacy. I do not think you will find M. condemning sodomy ever. To the God of the Hebrews, sodomy is one "the four sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance." However, I doubt Morrissey would agree with God on that one. Perhaps if M. is deified and made emperor he will give us a new law and a new covenant.