From Winston Smith:
As the League Against Cruel Sports celebrates the sixth anniversary of the Hunting Act public figures, including Morrissey and Johnny Marr, have expressed their support...
Morrissey -
"The moral climate surely tells all intelligent people that the key to the extent of any person’s humanity is in their relationship to – and protection – of animals.
People who hunt are under delusions of possession and property and divine right, and their debasement of human standards is always evident in their outrage at ever being questioned about their activities.
The countryside, quite remarkably, does not need the Hunting Act to be repealed"
Johnny Marr -
"Sports which involve causing injury to animals are not only cruel but unnecessary and outdated. I'm sure that given the opportunity then the majority of people would choose to outlaw it.
I feel that those who think it's ok to abuse animals for so called sport are ignorant."...