Recent content by Geoffrey Ingram

  1. Geoffrey Ingram

    MEN: "Unseen photos of The Smiths, U2, and New Order performing at historic Greater Manchester venue released for first time" (March 3, 2025)

    I still have my ticket. For the record The Stockholm Monsters were the support band, though I’d have been in the bar when they were on.
  2. Geoffrey Ingram

    Morrissey Central "MAN CITY -vs- REAL MADRID" (February 12, 2025)

    Whilst I share your disdain for the “I’ve paid for billboards and here is a picture”, it has to be said I doubt Johnny and Mike Joyce plus the other City celebs, arrive at the stadium via Metrolink, in order for them to be able to see that particular ad.
  3. Geoffrey Ingram

    Questions for Stephen Street he has never been asked before

    What football team does he support?
  4. Geoffrey Ingram

    Rockonteurs Podcast: Billy Duffy speaks to Gary Kemp and Guy Pratt (February 16, 2025)

    It’s been confirmed for many years in many books and interviews!
  5. Geoffrey Ingram

    Morrissey Central "OOH MANCHESTER" (February 15, 2025); 15,000 tickets sold for Manchester

    If you have been brought up in Manchester all of your life the chances are (at his nephews age) you will know Annie Walker due to the constant Coronation Street tributes and retrospective shows they put on over the years. Not a movie stars status by any means but well known around these parts
  6. Geoffrey Ingram

    Morrissey Central "OOH MANCHESTER" (February 15, 2025); 15,000 tickets sold for Manchester

    So his nephew won’t know anything about James Dean then because Dean died before he was born?
  7. Geoffrey Ingram

    Dawson's Auctions: Mike Hinc Morrissey Letters from 1984 (February 13, 2025)

    I assume he would have been replying to the list of dates given which listed Londonderry. The response being a subtle rebuff to the name? Interesting also at the end he asks for a theatre venue in Manchester and also a club venue - the Palace Theatre was indeed booked (I still have my ticket)...
  8. Geoffrey Ingram

    Morrissey Central "MAN CITY -vs- REAL MADRID" (February 12, 2025)

    Manchester United have a bigger chance of winning the Premier League this season, than Morrissey apologising to Johnny. (And just in case you are don’t have any knowledge about the Premier League, Manchester United are shite and are more likely to get relegated than be crowned champions!)
  9. Geoffrey Ingram

    Morrissey Central "MAN CITY -vs- REAL MADRID" (February 12, 2025)

    I find it hard to grasp that some folk struggle to understand your simple explanation and it's easier for them to create different scenarios to suit some bizarre theories.
  10. Geoffrey Ingram

    Morrissey Central "MAN CITY -vs- REAL MADRID" (February 12, 2025)

    Do you think Morrissey rang the Co-op venue up in the afternoon and the conversation went like this? M: Hey, you know this gig I've got coming up at the venue? Co-op: Oh yes M: Look, City are playing tonight and Johnny may be going to the game and if he does, he may go on the Metrolink and the...
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