posted by davidt on Sunday August 27 2000, @08:00AM
Jason writes:
After hearing rumors buzzing around town about Morrissey coming to Richmond, I called the Carpenter Center (the supposed venue) and Morrissey is scheduled to be there on November 2nd. Tickets aren't on sale yet, but oddly enough an opening act called The Exploder is on the bill, they're from somewhere on the east coast.

UPDATE: Aug. 31:
Torr writes:
e-mailed asking "is it true Moz will play there this fall or winter?" to which they simply replied "No". That was easy.
posted by davidt on Sunday August 27 2000, @08:00AM
Alex writes:

At the NYC Polecats show w/Alain on guitar they did "What Difference Does It Make?" Alain sang, and very well, especially the high notes. he said this was the song that made him want to be with Morrissey's band, because when he heard this song when he was in school he realized that Morrissey was one of the great underdogs like Buddy Holly

...When asked for some tour info, he had none - said he just heard about the 2 southern dates recently.
posted by davidt on Sunday August 27 2000, @08:00AM
Jody Cone writes:

Yesterday I talked to the college rep for Reprise Records and she told me that a Morrissey Best Of.. album was due out at the begining of next year.. and it would include one new track! Also she told me they had signed New Order and Depeche Mode and that we could expect new albums from them at the start of the new year.

Related item: "Best Of Morrissey" CD mulled for Reprise contest... - June 6, 2000
posted by davidt on Sunday August 27 2000, @08:00AM
Johan writes:

Amidst several Morrissey/Smiths references on the new Dubstar homepage, this is most prominent - in the q&a part. Dubstar usually mention the Smiths among their favourite bands and inspirations, and I find them to be quite Morrissey-ish too (indeed, one of their songs: "The Day I See You Again" from the first album Disgraceful, mentions Morrissey in a less than flattering way: "if the man you've grown to be is more Morrison than Morrissey").

They have a new album out in the UK on Monday August 28th.

The quote from the homepage starts here:

"What bands do Dubstar listen to? And what do you think about Morrissey/The Smiths? P.S. Sarah has the best voice ever!
Answered by: Chris I'm surprised by the question because I've celebrated the Smiths quite conspicuously over the years. Without trying to blatantly copy what they did (which would be pointless) we've always tried to follow their example in some ways because they really knew how to be 'important to people'. Our decision to have the continuity of style/theme in the artwork on the sleeves for the first two albums was very much a Smiths thing for example, and I think Steve would admit that his knack for writing lyrics about 'life as it is lived' was influenced in no small part by Morrissey. Your favourite band should kind of 'talk' to you like a friend and as a teenager they were definitely mine. As for what we listen to currently, Steve tends to be drawn to the more avant garde end of electronic music these days and Sarah has amazingly just discovered the 'House Of Love'! My most played CDs of the year so far have probably been the Doves 'Lost Souls' and Elliott Smith's 'Figure 8' among others. PS. Sarah was very flattered by your comment.
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