posted by davidt on Friday February 08 2008, @10:00AM
goinghome writes:
This email's just been circulated from the website -

Dear Moz Possee

We are delighted with your response to the new single That's How People Grow Up!

We are in the middle of a chart battle with all the crashing bores. Thanks to you we are doing very nicely as you continue to scoop up the 7" x 2 and CD singles formats however we need your support on the digital front which is where pop records have the edge.

We have two exclusive live versions available. You can buy Live at The Hollywood Bowl here and Live at The Roundhouse here.

Help us win the war.
posted by davidt on Friday February 08 2008, @10:00AM
cocu writes:
According to the TV listings Mozzer is going to be 'tracked down' by Tim Samuels and asked questions from 20 years ago. Here is an extract from the bbc website:

"Tim Samuels tracks down his childhood hero Morrissey, and plays him the tapes from his first interview with the star, recorded 20 years ago in Manchester when Tim was 13 and writing for the Vegetarian Society magazine. How will his hero worship go down?"

The Culture Show is on BBC2 at 6.55pm and is usually presented by the lovely Lauren Laverne, who interviewed the man when he performed at the V-Festival in 2006. They also did an interview with him in relation to being in the top three of 'the greatest living Brit'. Could be an interesting show?
SimmyOnion_Moz writes:
After flicking through tv listings it appears Morrissey is on the above show. The listing says "..Tim Samuels will be making a personal dream come true by interviewing his childhood hero, Morrissey.!

The show goes out at 6:55pm on BBC2 this Saturday.

posted by davidt on Friday February 08 2008, @10:00AM
Uncleskinny writes:
As voted for by users of this site, and conducted, at length (over the last 9 months) and patiently, by user Houdini.

The Moz/Smiths Top 100, FINAL RESULTS!!
posted by davidt on Friday February 08 2008, @10:00AM
"Some Totally Random Moz Fan" A.K.A. "Mud" writes:
Morrissey backstage with New York Dolls Steve Conte

Not sure if this has been posted before but I found this pic of Morrissey and Steve Conte backstage on the New York Dolls website:

posted by davidt on Friday February 08 2008, @10:00AM
inlovewiththepast writes:
the new cover is by 'unknown' and Decca are asking for the photographer to come forward for acknowledgement.

The inside cd spread of morrissey's band taken by mozz:

posted by davidt on Friday February 08 2008, @10:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Today's NYT has an interesting article on the 50th anniversary of the plane crash that killed many of the Manchester United soccer team. Of course, this is relevant to Mozdom via "Munich Air Disaster 1958."

Mourning a Team’s Loss, in a Much Different Era - New York Times
stphngrncr also writes:
Not a big story by a long chalk but heard on Talk Radio tonight the Morrissey song Munich Air Disaster 1958. Was just astonished to hear such an obscure song being played-obviously to mark the 50th anniversary of the tragedy. Call me morbid,call me pale...
posted by davidt on Friday February 08 2008, @10:00AM
Faithful 2 Moz writes:
Moz Krew and Moz Krew world wide have a goal this year and it's to give a star to Morrissey on The Hollywood Walk of Fame. We are going to need every Moz Fan's support! If you like to sign the petition please click on the link at the bottom.

Online petition - The Moz Petition
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