posted by davidt on Saturday February 02 2008, @02:00PM
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posted by davidt on Saturday February 02 2008, @12:00PM
An anonymous person write:
I have just received the single That's How People Grow Up from 2 days ahead of release. Here is the artwork for the 7" vinyl, the photograph was taken by Jake Walters.

posted by davidt on Saturday February 02 2008, @12:00PM
torr sends the link:

Morrissey - That’s How People Grow Up -

Morrissey already has a Greatest Hits album out – it’s called ‘The Queen Is Dead’ – but here’s the lead single from the forthcoming ‘Greatest Hits Off His Last Two Albums, “Viva Hate” And A Few Others’ collection. ‘That’s How People Grow Up’ sees Moz in an unusually chirpy mood, letting a scary opera lady wail away while he sings about how he broke his back in a car crash. Tune-wise it’s not exactly a career high-point, but thematically Morrissey seems to be suggesting that maturity can only be achieved by experiencing struggle. Using this theory we’ve worked out that Moz is roughly 469 years old.
posted by davidt on Saturday February 02 2008, @12:00PM
torr writes:
# Published Date: 01 February 2008
# Source: Edinburgh Evening News
# Location: Scotland

The Morrissey enigma - by Gary Flockhart, The Scotsman
Today's News | February 3 | February 1  >

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