posted by davidt on Tuesday February 05 2008, @12:00PM
MOJO Maven writes:
MOJO mag just got sent a finished copy of the Greatest Hits album. It features a photograph of Morrissey’s bare bottom, with the words YOUR ARSE AN’ ALL written on it.

Click here to see the gobsmacking reality... (Morrissey Bares His Arse - Posted by Danny_Eccleston, Mojo News)


THE MOJO OFFICE is still reeling after opening our CD copy of Morrissey’s Greatest Hits album to find this photograph (left). And just in case there was any doubt as to the ownership of the derrière in question, the sleevenote credits the pic thus: “Morrissey’s arse photographed by Jake Walters”.

posted by davidt on Tuesday February 05 2008, @12:00PM
Edna Welthorpe (Mrs) sends the link/excerpt:


"The endless tours of the last few years really just confirm that by now Morrissey is deep into his Vegas period. Once upon a time he was the Complete Pop Artist with a neurotically perfectionist focus on every detail. The bland title and ten-year old photo of this new collection feel like the final confirmation that his focus is no longer there."
posted by davidt on Tuesday February 05 2008, @12:00PM
An anonymous person writes:
From Paul Morley's programme "Pop! What Is It Good For?", broadcast 09/01/2008. Simon Armitage, the poet and Paul talk through The Smiths "This Charming Man". Mike Joyce is also present but says very little.

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