posted by davidt on Saturday September 29 2007, @09:30PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Saturday September 29 2007, @07:30AM
Nick writes:
Saw this on thought you would like to see this!

Morrissey Speaks - Pollstar

Morrissey has announced a very rare press conference for television crews at the Hollywood Palladium in California on October 1, the same day his 10-show residency at the venue commences. The singer will perform five songs followed by a question and answer period. Morrissey's residency is closing a chapter in the Palladium's history, as these will be the final 10 shows at the venue before it closes for extensive renovations.

Other upcoming stops on Moz's tour include the Genesee Theatre in Waukegan, Ill. (October 17), the Royal Oak Music Theatre in Michigan (October 19), the Star Plaza Theatre in Merrillville, Ind. (October 20), the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City (October 22-28), Rams Head Live! in Baltimore (October 31) and DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. (November 2).

Morrissey's current tour began 18 months ago in Tulsa, Okla. Since then the singer has performed 137 shows in cities ranging from London to Mexico City and everywhere in between.
posted by davidt on Saturday September 29 2007, @03:00AM
Guillaume Metayer writes:
It is sold out but did you hear something about this mini concert at LAST CALL WITH CARSON DALY show?

MORRISSEY Mini Concert -

Wednesday, October 10 @ 5:00 PM
posted by davidt on Saturday September 29 2007, @03:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Not much of a story, but if Wikipedia is to be believed, Strangeways is 20 years old today (originally released Sep. 28, 1987).
posted by davidt on Saturday September 29 2007, @03:00AM
Ivan Jasseevich writes:
21-year-old rising star of Russian pop-scene Ian J has recorded a cover version of TYWTML. " I did not planned to re-sing Morrissey songs, they're mean for me so much, and they are ideal - has told Ian in interview of radio " Mayak ". - But having heard the result i realised: that has turned out not bad. " This song in the end of this year is planned to let out on an album of covers by favourite Ian songs.

There is a link to the song.
posted by davidt on Saturday September 29 2007, @03:00AM
King Bing writes:
There's a full-page ad for the tour - same pic as the one used recently in the alt weeklies - listing all the dates in the new issue of Rolling Stone (Hunter Thompson on the cover).
posted by davidt on Saturday September 29 2007, @03:00AM
JoelWhy writes:
Ok, so this is barely worth mentioning, but why not...

In this week's 'Technology Week In Review', Reuters discusses the new Amazon mp3 download service. For some reason, the reporter mentions "now it might be cost effective to finally buy that Morrissey album you've been eyeing."

Here's the link.

(Morrissey mention is about 3/4 of the way through at around 1:40.)
posted by davidt on Saturday September 29 2007, @03:00AM
Quinn writes:
Strangeways and strange places, here we come!

GIAC will play four shows outside our home base of Baltimore this fall to comemmorate 20 years since the release of "Strangeways" and the break up of The Smiths. We start in Philadelphia at the legendary Khyber on Friday, October 5th(25 years and one day since the Smiths first live appearance)and play McGinty's in Silver Spring, MD later in the month and The State Theatre in late November. A show has been scheduled for the 9:30 Club in DC with details to be released later in the fall.
Today's News | October 1 | September 29  >

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