posted by davidt on Wednesday September 26 2007, @10:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Wednesday September 26 2007, @09:00AM
someraincoatedlovers uploaded three photos to the 2007 tour image gallery:

front of Je Suis Morrissey shirt, Click to enlarge

back of Je Suis Morrissey shirt, Click to enlarge

The gratis poster from the Fillmore, Click to enlarge
posted by davidt on Wednesday September 26 2007, @09:00AM
martial canterel writes:
"Saint Steven Morrissey - comedien et martyr" by Erik Morse - SFBG website/music blog

The article compares Morrissey to Jean Genet and reassesses his philosophy, literary/criminal status and possible retirement.
posted by davidt on Wednesday September 26 2007, @09:00AM
Salford Lassie writes:
Go to this link to see photos from Sunday's show at the Fillmore:

Morrissey - San Francisco, Fillmore 1 - September 23, 2007 by concertkid
Also, link posted by Comadre in the post-show comments section (original post):

Photos: Morrissey [San Francisco, CA; 09/23/07] -
posted by davidt on Wednesday September 26 2007, @09:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Just to anybody who did'nt already know, that good bloke Morrissey is in the short list of 16 for Radio 2's Ultimate Icon Award. To vote Text Icon Mozza to 83199. Check out the Radio 2 web site.

The results will be annouced on Radio 2's Family Favourites With Michael Aspel on 30th September 2007.
posted by davidt on Wednesday September 26 2007, @09:00AM
Canguro writes:
The shirt was given to Morrissey at the galaxy stadium when the chivas usa was playing against some other team, I think it was on the 19th that he was at the game. Morrissey came to Tijuana the 20th and gave us a great concert, I never saw him before because I don't have a visa to get across.

I waited 16 years for him to come to TJ. My brother as well as a bunch of friends were all around me and we were able to get the shirt when he threw it before the concert ended. The shirt is all in one piece which is very unusual and it's signed by Morrissey and all the band members. Please share the exitement with me and whoever wants to buy it they'll have to pay a lot of money. My email address is [email protected] and I live in Tijuana.
posted by davidt on Wednesday September 26 2007, @09:00AM
Chartres writes:
Lyrikvännen (Sweden's largest poetry magazine) #6 (release 20th December) will be about the sister of poetry - music.
Features will be "lyrics, Morrissey, rythms, Patti Smith, hip hop, Opera and who gets the honour to be called a 'rock-poet'".

This sounds very good, Lyrikvännen often has a very high quality articles. (in Swedish)
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