posted by davidt on Tuesday November 21 2006, @10:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 21 2006, @10:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
The official sleeve and track listing confirmed.

I Just Want To See The Boy Happy: U.K. release details and sleeve - True To You

posted by davidt on Tuesday November 21 2006, @10:00AM
deathfornoreason writes:
I've just seen the trailer for "The Russell Brand Show" - his new Channel 4 chat show starting this Friday - and Brand says that Morrissey is definitely on next week (Friday 1st Dec).

He also says that performances will all be acoustic, so that will be very interesting to hear.

Finally, I bought Russell Brand's "Live" DVD this morning. I put it on this afternoon and, to my surprise, the background music on the DVD menu is "The Last Of The Famous International Playboys"! It's also used as his walk-on music.
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 21 2006, @10:00AM
Semisorry writes:
Heres the printed review of the Monterrey Concert at El Norte.

posted by davidt on Tuesday November 21 2006, @10:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
The Pet Shop Boys played two nights before Morrissey at the same venue, and in the middle of the concert I saw them enjoying Moz´s concert. Even lip-singing "William it was really nothing"
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 21 2006, @10:00AM
Darrell sends the link:

November 19, 2006
Sean Mattson: Mozz sheds light on Monterrey's place in the sun - MySanAntonio

British singer Morrissey (former front man of The Smiths whose full name is Steven Patrick Morrissey but goes by the moniker Mozz, or, recentely "Il Mozzillini" — don't ask why, I don't know) told a packed Arena Monterrey Saturday night how he was doing, when asked by a fan to whom he passed the microphone.

"Hanging by a string" like I told them "in Guadalajara," was his response. (I didn't quite catch the middle of his answer.) Poor Mozz.

The mention of Guadalajara, Mexico's second-largest city by population whether Monterrey likes it or not, elicited boos from the 150 bucks-a-pop concert-goers at the front of the stage.

"That's not very nice," he admonished them.

I'm new in this town but a number of people here have told me that Monterrey, which, economically at least, is Mexico's second city, does not like the fact that it is referred to as Mexico's third city, even if population is the determining indicator. Mozz just got a lesson in national rivalry, it seems.

During another segue, he noted that Monterrey and Morrissey were very similar in sound and spelling, though they might have different meanings. I thought that, no, there really is quite the comparison there. ("I am the son and the heir," which phonetically is "I am the sun and the air", is one of his better-known lyrics.)

Morrissey, who is reputed to have forged a good relationship with the Hispanic community while living in Los Angeles as of the late 1990s, asked the crowd who the most famous person was from Monterrey.

( informs me he now lives in Rome. His anti-George W. Bush posture apparently led to questioning from the FBI. Funny how he moved after that.)

They didn't answer. I think they might have thought the question was "who is the most famous person to have visited this city?" Clearly, that wasn't the question.

"You," they answered.

"Silly, silly," he said. Silly indeed.
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 21 2006, @10:00AM
Uncleskinny writes:
An interesting article on The Smiths in The Sunday Times:

Bigmouth strikes again The Sunday Times, Nov. 19 2006
Heaven knows, the Smiths are influential — and especially now, says Stephen Armstrong
Today's News | November 22 | November 20  >

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