posted by
on Sunday November 12 2006, @09:00AM
Mozzersgirl writes: Morrissey has made the top 10 in the BBC's 'Living Icons'. The list, as appears on the Culture Show's website, is as follows: David Attenborough Alan Bennett David Bowie Kate Bush Michael Caine Stephen Fry Paul McCartney Morrissey Kate Moss Vivienne Westwood You can vote here. Let's make him Number 1 in at least one chart. ---
Missing Link writes: Following on from the earlier post and the TV show aired tonight Saturday 11th Nov... here's the timetable and details of how you can vote for Morrissey: - Saturday 11th November 2006 - The Top 10 most popular icons drawn up from the nominations will be announced here on the website and on BBC Two's The Culture Show from 7.30pm. Voting to decide the Top 3 commences. - Monday 27th November 2006 - Voting closes at midday. - Saturday 2nd December 2006 - The Top 3 icons are announced here on the website and on BBC Two's The Culture Show from 7.30pm. Voting to decide the winner commences. - Monday 11th December 2006 - Voting closes at midday. - Saturday 16th December 2006 - The winner of Living Icons is announced here, on the website, and on BBC Two's The Culture Show from 7.30pm. PLEASE VOTE. We just want to see the boy happy, right ? :-)
posted by
on Sunday November 12 2006, @09:00AM
naomi writes: Today's issue of the Observer Music Monthly (12/11/06) contains a list of 20 'of pop's landmark gay moments'. Morrissey contributes a few paragraphs on Jobriath:
9. The glam god
Morrissey on the first major label gay star
"I bought the first Jobriath album in 1974 at Rare Records in drizzle-fizzled Manchester. Neither for the ears of the elderly nor for those with middle-aged perspectives, Jobriath voiced the excess destitution of New York's most tormentedly aware, whose lives were favoured by darkness. Cinematic themes of desperate dramas in paranoid shadows were presented as choppy and carnivalesque melodies. The hairy beasts who wrote for the music press laughed Jobriath off the face of the planet. He was, at best, merely considered to be 'insane'. It was clear that Jobriath was willing to go the gay distance, something that even the intelligentsia didn't much care for. Elton John knew this in 1973; Jobriath didn't. Surrounded on all sides by Journey, Styx, and Bachman-Turner Overdrive, Jobriath was at society's mercy. Yet it could have worked so well. Neither America nor England was quite ready. Thus, Jobriath quietly expired, buried without a single line of ceremony in any music publication throughout the world."
posted by
on Sunday November 12 2006, @09:00AM
Uncleskinny writes:
Gay icons - Observer Music Monthly
As chosen by Rufus Wainwright
6: Morrissey
"Whether he's gay or not, he is the gay Elvis. He is among the greatest entertainers of our time. The banter, the dancing, the stage-craft, it all conspires and you know exactly what Morrissey is. He is heroic. He is a total package, like Dean Martin or Prince."
20 most fabulous (part two) - Observer Music Monthly
18. Bedroom boy
Martin Rossiter on the joy of Morrissey
When I was young I felt a sense of 'otherness'. I still do. And more so even than REM or Husker Du (two other pivotal guitar groups of the time whose singers were queer), the Smiths were the musical manifestation of that otherness. In 1983, in a country that was embracing consumerism and letting its government introduce homophobic legislation, Morrissey provided a voice. It was a voice that was overtly political because it celebrated otherness.
Despite Morrissey never publicly declaring his sexuality, the message was clear. It is OK to be 'other'. In fact, that otherness should be celebrated with intelligence and style. It should dance on the streets, dust down its bunting and stick two nail-varnished fingers up at Thatcher's Britain.
In the same Observer, he's also mentioned in Miranda Sawyer's article and extensively in an article on Amy Lamé.
posted by
on Sunday November 12 2006, @09:00AM
Ralph writes: I was at the New York Dolls show last night, Nov 10th, in Portland, OR and I saw a very well dressed, well coifed gentleman in the company of an equally well dressed lady. I was shocked, and convinced myself it could not possibly be Morrissey, not here in Portland, but it really did look like him. Now that I think about it, though, he did come from the back stage area, and Morrissey does have a few dates here in North America starting on the 14th. I don't know if I can ever forgive myself for not confirming, but it would be pretty amazing if it was him. Anyone else at the show see the same man, and perhaps make a confirmation?
posted by
on Sunday November 12 2006, @09:00AM
Toaster writes: Yeah, I know, Playboy generally sucks, but I only got the super cheap subscription for the naked chicks... that aside, in the December 2006 issue (Cindy Margolis cover), Moz is up for Playboy's Hall Of Fame, along with REM, Sonic Youth, Depeche Mode and Joan Jett. Details are also on the website, at the very bottom of the page. "MORRISSEY He is the sun and the air. He is human and he needs to be loved. The Manchester warbler transcends the mopey genre he helped create through the maudlin songs he wrote with the most important British band of the 1980s, the Smiths. His self-pitying lyrics gave birth to Kurt Cobain’s bathos, emo and whole swaths of today’s music. (But don’t blame him for that.) And with this year’s solo LP, the second great one in a row, Moz shows he’s still as good as ever." ---
An anonymous person also writes: Sorry if this has been posted already, but a friend tipped me off that Morrissey was nominated for the "Hall of Fame" in Playboy's 2006 online music poll. He's up against Sonic Youth, R.E.M., Depeche Mode and Joan Jett. Hopefully if he doesn't win, Sonic Youth will, but anyway, you can vote for him here: Vote for Moz
posted by
on Sunday November 12 2006, @09:00AM
rough106 writes: Smiths star performs with Modest Mouse - NME.com Johnny Marr plays with new band at LA show
Excerpt: "Modest Mouse have played their first show with Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr. The band debuted a series of new tracks from their eagerly awaited new album 'We Were Dead Even Before The Ship Sank' at Los Angeles' Avalon venue last night (November 6), including 'We've Got Everything', 'Missed The Boat', 'Dashboard' and 'Invisible In Your Car'."
posted by
on Sunday November 12 2006, @09:00AM
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