posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2006, @11:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2006, @10:00AM
Semisorry writes:
Today in the MURAL newspaper they have story about Morrissey´s arrival to la Perla Tapatía, here´s the story, it includes a picture:

Llega Morrissey con toda su sobriedad - Mural (registration required)

El hombre que le dio sentido a la vida de los 'desadaptados' canta hoy en la VFG

Guadalajara, México (14 noviembre 2006).- Noviembre derramó sobre Morrissey una llovizna copiosa en su llegada al Aeropuerto Internacional Miguel Hidalgo de Guadalajara, hoy alrededor de las 19:45 horas.

posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2006, @10:00AM
matt o sends the link:

Ennio Morricone’s Birthday Bonanza Begins - Pitchfork

Celine Dion records a track of herself gargling cake in tribute
Today, November 10, is Ennio Morricone's 78th birthday, and to celebrate, the excellent Italian film composer announced that next year he will conduct a 200-piece orchestra and choir in the performance of some of his most well-known works for his first U.S. concert ever. The event will take place February 3 at New York City's Radio City Music Hall. (Rumors have swirled that Morrissey may join him at the concert.)

New York's Museum of Modern Art will join in the festivities with screenings of six Morricone-scored films in its collection. Those films are The Battle of Algiers, Once Upon a Time in the West, Two Mules for Sister Sara, Once Upon a Time in America, The Mission, and U Turn. MoMA will run them from February 1 to February 7.

Now for the bad and the ugly: the requisite Morricone tribute album, which is scheduled for release in the spring and will feature contributions from Bruce Springsteen, Metallica (who regularly open shows with Morricone's "L'Estasi dell'Oro" from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly soundtrack), Yo-Yo Ma, the Simon Cowell-from-"American Idol"-designed international "popera" group Il Divo, and Celine Dion. Better yet, according to a press release, "Celine Dion's track was produced by Quincy Jones, marking the first time the two artists have worked together." Finally!
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2006, @10:00AM
Mark writes:
My daughter just finished this video project.

Zoe Woodbury-High plays a ukulele rendition of "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" by The Smiths. Cinematography by Rachel Dengiz. Directed by David Meiklejohn.
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2006, @10:00AM
Martin writes:
Went to see Jack Lewis last night (8th November) at Brixton Windmill. His set was unfortunately cut short by those bands ahead of him on the bill overrunning. However, he did a great cover of "First of the Gang to Die". He'll be back in London playing at the same place with his brother on December 4th and I'd highly recommend anyone in the area checking it out.
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2006, @10:00AM
Jeroen Bootsman writes:
Voting has started for the Dutch Top 2000, which will be broadcasted on Dutch radio during the last days of 2006. Let us try to make 'There is a light that never goes out' as the ultimate 'end of the year song' enter this list!

You can vote now by clicking on the link.

To vote do the following. You have to click on 'Begin nu met stemmen' (which means 'Start voting now'), to be found on the right side under 'Stap 4'. On the left side you see De Top 2000 keuzelijst (list of choices). You can find three Smiths-songs: Girlfriend in a Coma, Panic and Bigmouth Strikes Again. Click on one of them, click on the green button 'Voeg toe' (Add), and you see it appear in the empty box on the right. Do the same with the other two. You are obliged to select at least three titles from this list of choices. If you make a mistake, click on the red button ´Verwijder´(Delete) and the selected title disappears immediately. Of course you can choose more songs (from other artists), but not more than nine, because the maximum is ten and you need one choice for 'There is a light...', which isn't mentioned in this List of choices, but you can select one personal choice. To do this you have to click on the black icon 'Verder' (Continue) right down. The next page gives you the opportunity to vote for 'There is a light...' On the left you see two blank lines. Under 'Artiest' (Artist) you type ´Smiths´ and under 'Titel' (Title) 'There is a light that never goes out'. Then click on 'Voeg toe' (Add) and you see it appear on the right under 'Uw eigen keuze' (Your own choice). Click on 'Verder' (Continue) right down. If you wish you can explain in the empty box on the left why you like this song so very much. On the right you have to fill in (up to down) your name, email, address, postal code, city, date of birth and choose man (m) or woman (w). Click again on the black line 'Verder' (Continue) and your voting is finished! All that we can do, is hope for a good result. Please be aware that voting is possible till Friday the 24th of November. Let november spawn a beautiful monster into the Dutch Chart of all times!
posted by davidt on Tuesday November 14 2006, @10:00AM
Tee and Vee writes:
‘November Spawned A Mozzer’

Friday 17th November 8pm –1am

The Penthouse (above The Freebutt)
1 Phoenix Place,
Brighton, UK

Free entry!

Back by popular demand – the fifth installment of this bi-annual Morrissey extravaganza – Friday 17th November sees the return of this sell-out, queue-round-the-block night!

Get your quiffs and gladioli at the ready for this fun-packed night – dancing, videos, fancy dress, competitions, prizes, spectacular decoration (including the much sought-after ‘Morrissey-bunting’!) and general Morrissey-induced mayhem, all to a non-stop Morrissey / The Smiths soundtrack courtesy of DJ’s Tee and Vee.

Previous nights have included:
• ‘Draw Mozzer’s Quiff’ competition;
• Mozzer’s Birthday Special;
• ‘Miniature Morrissey Model-Making’ (from home made playdough);
• Morrissey Mask Making;
with prizes ranging from rare Morrissey recordings to literature that inspired the man himself.

All profits to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

Further info:
Email: [email protected]
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