posted by davidt on Tuesday September 04 2001, @09:00AM
An anonymous person writes:

What songs by other artists would you like Morrissey to cover?
posted by davidt on Tuesday September 04 2001, @09:00AM
It's been about 3 weeks since the pledge drive post (Aug. 13) and so far the results have been mixed. The quality of the donations were very good, but the quantity was a bit disappointing. As of this writing I have received contributions from 56 people and I believe I have enough now to pay for the bandwidth of the site for the next year. The other costs I will deal with on my own. I am very thankful to each of those who sent in a little something, especially to those who sent in a little extra. I am especially thankful to the few people that went way beyond the call of duty and to the one person that went way beyond the call of duty, if it were not for you then this goal would not have been met.

Overall, the drive was good not so much because of the results but because it put me in touch, and in some cases back in touch with the site's biggest supporters. Contributions are still being taken and there are some that are still coming through the mail, I believe. Again, the best way to contribute to the site is through your unique submissions, news items and comments (for the most part).
Jonathan Ian Mathers writes:

Dear Morrissey-solo website people:

Though money is tight here (as I am a starving artist, seriously... I had a marshmallow for breakfast) a donation would be a little hard to do right now, however I did put together a Morrissey-solo desktop theme (800x600, 507K) that you can use for logo as well (If you want)... I figure it would be a treat to Morrissey fans and it might give them a little more incentive to submit a donation, hope it helps.
posted by davidt on Tuesday September 04 2001, @09:00AM
leedoggpimp writes:

An Mp3 of Moz reading Marcel Proust's "In Search Of Lost Time" back in 1988 at a Luxuria concert is downloadable at:
posted by davidt on Tuesday September 04 2001, @09:00AM
An anonymous person writes:


I'm down here in Australia. I picked up a a book at Dymmocks a few days ago and found a Smiths reference in it. The book is called, "He Died with a Felafel in His Hand." by John Birmingham.

From page 4:

Never move into a house with someone who plays The Smiths all the time. Don't do it. I never liked The Smiths and now I loathe them because it's all I hear. Three in the morning they'll come home and play The Smiths at full volume and wonder why you get into a bad mood. Three in the morning is the time of choice for Smiths fans to play their albums. The suicide hour. Like 'I've been out, I've been rejected and I'm coming home to my damp little flat to play The Smiths and be depressed and kill myself.'.

The movie also called "He Died with a Felafel in His Hand" stars Noah Taylor ("Shine", "Flirting", "The Year My Voice Broke", "Almost Famous") and will be relased next week. The book & movie are about a guy who documents his experiences of living with 89 different flatmates. I'm not sure if there are any Moz/Smiths references in movie or soundtrack.

In case you care... more info
"He Died with a Felafel in his Hand" Movie web site

"He Died with a Felafel in his Hand" Book info on Amazon
posted by davidt on Tuesday September 04 2001, @09:00AM
The film critic Pauline Kael died at age 82 on Monday. Link to article (via Metafilter): "Kael, grande dame of film reviewing, dies" - CNN (Sept. 3). Morrissey listed her as a 'symbolist' in this list that appeared in the NME in 1983: "Portrait Of The Artist As A Consumer".
posted by davidt on Tuesday September 04 2001, @09:00AM
Lina writes:

I just saw on the Swedish music-television show "Musikbyren" that they'll be airing a Smiths concert from 83 on the 4/10. (I think you can read more about it on their webpage).

This is really something to look forward to because this program is great and usually show the entire concert.

They also mentioned that The Smiths was a favourite among the staff which was nice to hear...
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