posted by
on Wednesday August 22 2001, @06:00AM
Adam "You'll Have To Go Sideways" Leonard writes: From the NME 18/08/01 Doves Article:"When Julian Casablancas has a drink" Jimi warns "he goes nuts." He launches into his favourite Strokes anecdote. Apparently the two bands were in LA having post-gig drinks in a British theme bar. None other than Morrissey was nearby, at a table with 3 girls. "It was fucking strange, man" Jimi laughs "He kept sending these girls over to say 'Morrissey is sat in the corner if you'd like to talk to him'. He is dead shy, but it was like he was holding fucking court. We were like "We're cool, tell him to come over and join us". So he came over and sat down, and Julian started calling him a fucking faggot. I was like "just leave it out, Julian" and he was all "Jimi's upset with me, man - what's the problem?" and then he kept doing it!
"Morrissey just looked at him an laughed. You could tell he was thinking 'OK, you little upstart, do your worst.'"
posted by
on Wednesday August 22 2001, @06:00AM
TrblLuvsMe writes: Found this item on Ebay, and was wondering if it could possibly be the real thing... You can see a photo of it there, but here's a description:
Calling all Smiths or Morrissey fans. This cereal box was the actual one used by Morrissey in the famed "Alma Matters" video from the Maladjusted album. As shown in the video, cereal box has "Maladjusted" on the front of the box. Box is for Brenner's Sugar Frosted flakes. This was given to us by one of the executives involved in the video shoot. Unfortunately, there is no letter of authenticity but we believe our feedback record speaks volumes about our credibility. Box is empty inside. Over his career, Morrissey has performed songs by: Stephen Street Alain Whyte Mark E. Nevin Boz Boorer Clive Langer Andy Rourke Martin Boorer Marc Bolan Henry Mancini Gary Day Johnny Mercer Hal Shaper George DeLaRue Paul Weller. Hyped by Krispy47. SID#0326.
Condition: Pre-owned Excellent Size: N/A
Material: N/A
The bidding is kind of pricey - starts at $199.99.
posted by
on Wednesday August 22 2001, @06:00AM
jdollars writes: according to the Grant Lee Phillips (former nucleus of Grant Lee Buffalo) website b-board, Grant did a musical impression of Moz at his recent gig in Boulder, CO. Going by the impromptu title of "No Dancing, No Smoking" it apparently featured Grant doing his best take on Moz reviewing the clubs policies for the evening. Grant is a bit of an impressionist: I've heard him do dead ringers for Eddie Vedder, Willie Nelson, Kasey Kasem and James Brown--all eerie close to the original. I wish I could have seen his take on Moz!
For those unfamiliar with Grant, or his old band, I'd encourage you to check them out, they're wonderful. Grant's new solo album "Mobilize" is a real stunner, and reminds me of early Morrissey solo work in it's production and programming, as well as evoking tones of Bowies best work. Check it out and rock on.
posted by
on Wednesday August 22 2001, @06:00AM
Dan writes: Henry Rollins appeared on Howard Stern's radio show this morning (Aug. 21). I turned on the show in the middle of the interview, but it seemed that Howard was reading from a book or interviews with Rollins - basically looking for controversial or humorous items to talk about. The old quote by Rollins regarding Morrissey came up again. It's something like: "He makes me want to dress up in my sister's clothes and run around the house."
I was interested in Rollins' comment. He said, "I like the guy. He has a good sense of humor." After listening to Rollins talk, you really could decipher his sarcasm. His statement about Morrissey was sincere. Very surprising.
--- Related items:
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on Wednesday August 22 2001, @06:00AM
Finnegan Bell writes: Recently I went to see an area poet, Jeremy Rae, read from his new book "The Daydream Thief" at a local bookstore/cafe on the recommendation of North Carolina's poet laureate, Fred Chappell, in Greensboro, NC. I haven't been to a poetry reading in years and Jeremy Rae was fantastic and importantly mentioned Morrissey and The Smiths! I approached him afterwards and he confessed to being a long time Morrissey fan, even said he'd been listening to Bona Drag non-stop lately. Frustratingly, his book had sold out by the time I got to him! But I managed to procure one from barnesandnobles.com so I could provide you lovely people with evidence:
"the Smiths are stoned
and Morrissey is crying
I am driving towards the rusty edge of night
with a half tank of gas
a handful of hope
and a pack full of smokes
maybe I'll end up in Paris
somewhere resembling hell
confronting the ugliness
and cursing the moon for the sunrise
send my fantasies to sleep
and blinds my ears to the sound of love
dialing your number
like I'm calling your name"
posted by
on Wednesday August 22 2001, @06:00AM
An anonymous person writes: A new novel, "Between the Rain," by San Francisco, California writer Josh Hancock, has just been published and contains many subtle Morrissey, David Bowie, Marc Bolan, and T. Rex references. You can order the novel through any major online book retailer, by visiting betweentherain.com, or by calling 1-888-795-4274. No news on whether Moz owns the book himself, but I read the book and thought fans might be interested.
posted by
on Wednesday August 22 2001, @06:00AM
carlos writes: STILL ILL
A Smiths & Morrissey Tribute Event, NYC
Tuesday, September 4th, 2001 (9pm - 3am)
Venue: Route 85a, No cover
85 Avenue A between 5th & 6th, NYC
Because the songs are indeed still ill, DJ Still presents a night of nonstop Smiths & Morrissey along with dancing and prizes for people who are young and alive. You just might meet someone who really loves you at this subterranean East Village nightspot, so spread the word & we'll see you there! Suggestions and comments are welcome. Email me to be on the mailing list for similar special events in NYC.
flyer--- UPDATE (Aug. 29): Venue is 21 & up only.
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