posted by
on Friday August 31 2001, @09:00AM
Gleese writes:
I bumped into Morrissey crossing the road near St Stephens Green in Dublin last Tuesday. Being a massive fan for many years, I instantly recognised him, wearing his LA shades (for once the Irish weather somewhat resembled that of California). He said he was in town for a few days just visiting and he was showing some girls around. Surprise surprise he was just after coming from the Oscar Wilde monument in the 'Green. He seemed to be in really good form and was quite happy to be recognised and talk for a minute, he even got one of the girls with him to take a photograph of us which she said she’d send on. I don't think he's been working on anything musically for a while and didn't mention anything that might be in the pipeline. He almost sounded like he was putting on an Irish accent at times and even said "God bless you" once or twice - what a nice guy.
posted by
on Friday August 31 2001, @09:00AM
Anonymous writes:
Morrissey is mentioned twice in a review of Björk's latest in New York Magazine.
See the full article at Ladies Sing the Blues - by Ethan Brown. Excerpt:
Like Yoko Ono or Morrissey, Björk makes it all but impossible to be dispassionate about her music. Whether embracing exuberant dance beats on Debut or playing with movie-musical conventions on the soundtrack to Dancer in the Dark, she demands nothing less than total engagement, with a voice as unmistakably distinctive as Morrissey's and an aesthetic as abstract as Ono's. Björk weaves a cocoon that holds at bay an adult world that constantly challenges the capacity for awe that in her world is the highest of values.
Bruce B. writes:
In the Wednesday August 29, 2001 Irish Times there is an article by Brian Boyd on Björk (he interviews her at the French Communist Party HQs!). There is a "Björk Beginner's Guide" in that article where he writes, "Musical Youth: Like Morrissey before her, she was a big fan of Sparks. "My mother and stepfather hated them, so I really loved them and I played their records just to annoy them."