posted by davidt on Saturday January 13 2001, @11:15AM
thegirlracer writes: Morrissey made #31 on this MTV countdown about gender-bending and sexuality for "proclaiming his celibacy." It featured several beautiful clips of him talking about his "non-sexuality" and even mentioned his maniacal fans. It featured clips from both the "Alma Matters" and "Tomorrow" videos.

Earl Graphite also writes: On Saturday January 13, 2001, MTV aired a show called "Hips, Lips, and Gender-Benders" at 1PM E.S.T. The hour long show was a countdown of the 40 top artists/videos who have sparked controversy with a combination of music and sex. Morrissey was #31 on the list. Billed as the first artist in an industry overrun with sex to proclaim celibacy. As we all know, MTV tends to rerun its shows over and over and over and over, so if you missed it, check it out!
posted by davidt on Saturday January 13 2001, @11:15AM
TrblLuvsMe sends:

New Times Los Angeles, January 11, 2001
Clock-watchers; All through the night with the sensuous pop of Stars.
Jackie McCarthy

posted by davidt on Saturday January 13 2001, @11:15AM
rays_keen writes:

Found this little article (Rough Trade's Jubilee,, Jan. 11) regarding the Rough Trade label The Smiths once were on. Excerpt:
London-based record shop and label Rough Trade, the latter home to a generation of directional bands including Stiff)Little Fingers, The Fall, Cabaret Voltaire and Subway Sect (to name just a few) is to celebrate its 25th anniversary with a compilation album, a new website and a clutch of gigs around the capital.

Founded by Geoff Travis, the Rough Trade shop opened in 1975, soon inspiring the independent label that was to play an integral part in British music. Its first single, Stiff Little Fingers’ Alternative Ulster, appeared in October 1978 and became an instant punk anthem...
Today's News | January 14 | January 12  >

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