posted by davidt on Friday January 05 2001, @08:00PM
Thanks to Beau for a scan of "The Bed Took Fire" acetate label. It's assumed the recently mentioned mp3 of the song was made from one of these extremely rare acetates.
posted by davidt on Friday January 05 2001, @08:00PM
David Alice writes:

You may remember me as the author of last year's "Diana's Death Foretold by Morrissey: A Small Sample of the Evidence". Your feedback to that poorly planned article taught me a few lessons about submitting evidence:
1. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
2. Keep it simple.
3. Sometimes, less is more.
Hopefully those lessons have served me well at my new, illustrated, webpage presentation of the Diana-Morrissey phenomenon.

The site is called 'Diana's Death Foretold in the Work of Morrissey'.

Please visit the site and let me know if I've succeeded in presenting a convincing case. I genuinely believe that the Diana-Morrissey phenomenon is the most compelling case of prophecy ever documented. Please review my website and let me know if you agree.
posted by davidt on Friday January 05 2001, @12:00PM
Pink22 writes:

I found this while wasting time. Morrissey is ranked #87 in this USA Today columnist's article of top 100 people of 2000.
Go ahead, make my millennium
By Whitney Matheson,
87. Morrissey. He didn't put an album out, but he put on one heck of a show. Thanks to the Moz, I spent at least two hours of the new millennium behaving like a Backstreet fan. I want it that way, every day.
posted by davidt on Friday January 05 2001, @12:00PM
An anonymous person writes:

There's a column in Select magazine (January 2001 issue) called 'The Gospel According To Plasmatron' by Mogwai's Stuart Braithwaite (transcript). He quotes Morrissey.
...Much as my inane ramblings have amused my friends, and getting away with rattling out nonsense without retribution has pleased me, I don't think I can do it any more as my role as pointless noise muppet/international disgrace has to be resumed on a more time-consuming basis. And as Stephen Patrick sang, "It pays my way but it corrodes my soul... I have to leave, you will not miss me." Thank you and goodnight.
posted by davidt on Friday January 05 2001, @12:00PM
DMRoos writes:

FYI: There will be several bands playing Smiths songs at the Crocodile in Seattle tonight 1/5/01. The phone is 206-448-2117 and the cost is $7. It starts at 9:30.
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