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Scott Piering

From Morrissey-solo Wiki


From Autobiography, Morrissey describes:

At Rough Trade the galvanized gang of Smiths aides were Scott Piering (now deceased), Pat Bellis (now deceased), Gill Smith (now deceased), Jo Slee, Martha DeFoe and Richard Boon. The mobilized strength of all six attempted the very best for the Smiths, and often beyond their call of duty. All six dealt only with me, very rarely with Johnny, and never with Andy or Mike.

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Influential and respected American-born plugger for many successful British music acts, such as Pulp, The KLF, The Orb, Placebo, Underworld and The Smiths (for whom he also acted as caretaker manager). He founded his company, Appearing Promotions, in 1982.

Piering contributed his voice to several The KLF releases and narrated their "The Rites Of Mu" film. When the group bowed out at the 1992 BRIT Awards, it was Scott's voice that announced "Ladies and gentlemen, The KLF have now left the music industry". In their infamous book The Manual (How To Have a Number One The Easy Way), Drummond and Cauty say that without his work "…this book would have to be retitled How To Get To Number 47 — With A Certain Amount of Difficulty"

Piering died of cancer on 24 January 2000, aged 53. The following year the British Radio Academy founded "The Scott Piering Award" in his memory, whilst 2002 saw the release of [r=491782] - a tribute album featuring several of the artists he had worked with.

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Wikipedia Information

Scott Piering (13 September 1946, Duluth, Minnesota – 22 January 2000) was a successful and influential American-born music publicist for many British music acts, including Pulp, The KLF, The Smiths (who he also managed), Stereophonics, The Orb, Placebo, Underworld and The Prodigy. He ran the publicity promotions consultancy Appearing.