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Rubén Albarrán

From Morrissey-solo Wiki
Rubén Albarrán


Played a support "No DJ Set" at Santa Barbra (2016).
Reggieslive.com describes the concept of his "No DJ Set":

"NO DJ Set is a tour of the music and artists that have influenced, moved and inspired in his life, with the aim of sharing it with his followers and friends, a party with a tonality of intimacy and closeness breaking with the stereotype of unattainable artist , therefore, could be interpreted as a conviviality with music, enjoyment, good vibes and celebration in the company of more than a celebrity, a friend with good musical taste."

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Discogs Information


Lead singer of Cafe Tacuba

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Wikipedia Information


Rubén Isaac Albarrán Ortega (born February 1, 1967) is a Mexican musician, singer, song writer, music producer, and activist. He is a member and founder of the alternative rock band Café Tacvba. As singer and frontman of Café Tacvba, the artist has characterized himself by his energetic attitude onstage and for presenting himself as different characters and aliases throughout his career. He started in music in the 1980s in the suburbs of Mexico City, forming Cafe Tacvba together with Joselo Rangel between 1988 and 1989, a group with which he gained international fame and made him worthy of the prizes Grammy and Grammy Latino. As a soloist he has released an album, Bienvenido al sueño and he formed the group Hoppo!, in addition to making duets and covers with diverse artists from Mexico and Latin America. He is an environmental activist and has shown his support for various political causes like the Zapatista Army of National Liberation and the Yo Soy 132 movement, among others.