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New York, New York 2007-10-23 (Morrissey concert)

From Morrissey-solo Wiki
Morrissey Live
Tour Greatest Hits Tour
Date 23 October, 2007
Venue Hammerstein Ballroom
Location New York, New York
Opening Act Kristeen Young

Set List [1]

Concert Notes

Kristeen Young's comments on stage that lead to her dismissal and her reply via MySpace were captured via DigitalSpy on October 29, 2007:

"Morrissey has sacked the support act on his US tour after she made a "profane" remark about him on stage.

Kristeen Young joked about the singer's sexual skills when the crowd began chanting his name during a concert in New York.

She reportedly told the audience: "Morrissey gives good head, I mean, er, cunnilingus..."

Young defended her comment on her MySpace page, writing: "Unfortunately, the statement has been perceived as being profane (when, actually, one of the two words in question is a scientific term found in junior high health class text books, and the other word, I feel most would agree, is lightweight slang) or defamatory.

"What I said was part of a thread of stage statements I made throughout our set. [The statements] were metaphorical and overstated to make an artistic point. The 'offending' statement, in particular, was in no way a literal statement, and was very much in keeping with the tone of my writing in general."

She added: "Maybe I misjudged... but I meant no harm. I love Morrissey with all of my heart, soul, body, spirit, to the core of my existence and always will."

Morrissey will be supported by Texas three-piece Girl In A Coma for the rest of the tour."

Concert Photographs And Memorabilia

Live Recordings

Unofficial Recordings

Though of arguable relevance to the show itself, this was the night Kristeen Young was fired from the tour for her onstage comments about Morrissey's cunnilingus abilities. There is a bootleg of this show in existence which circulates online. Details regarding concert date/location, set/track listing, recording source, and sound quality are as follows:

Hammerstein Ballroom
New York City, NY
October 23, 2007
Source: Audience
Grade: D (poor)

Related Items

References And Notes

  1. Set List provided by NYCWolf / Morrissey-Solo