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Morrissey tour information; Years Of Refusal, Southpaw Grammar, Maladjusted, I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris release details - Release Information (October 30, 2008)

From Morrissey-solo Wiki


Regarding US, New Zealand and Australia tours, Southpaw Grammar, Maladjusted & Years Of Refusal information and I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris single.


US dates will now precede the projected tours of New Zealand and Australia for 2009. Years of refusal now has a release date of February 23rd, which will also see the start of a lengthy US tour. New Zealand and Australia will now follow the US dates. BMG issue a redesigned and re-mastered Southpaw Grammar, and Universal issue a redesigned and re-mastered Maladjusted one week after Years of refusal. The new album is preceded by I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris as a single release. CD1 and CD2 will be supported by two new songs Because of my poor education and Shame is the name. Both songs were recorded with Jerry Finn as part of the refusal sessions, and Shame is the name features additional vocals by Chrissie Hynde.

Archived original post here.