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London, England 2009-10-27 (Morrissey concert)

From Morrissey-solo Wiki
Morrissey Live
Tour Swords Tour
Date 27 October, 2009
Venue Royal Albert Hall
Location London, England
Opening Act Doll & The Kicks

Rescheduled from 11 May, 2009.

Set List [1]

Concert Notes

There was a unique T-shirt produced for this concert, passionsjustlikemine.com recounts:

"Dark blue 'Royal Albert Hall' t-shirt sold at that venue only."

User "ForgivemeJesus" shared a reported later reproduction of the shirt and provides a more detailed view of the T-shirt design:

Concert Photographs And Memorabilia

Live Recordings

Unofficial Recordings

There is a bootleg of this show circulating online. Details regarding concert date/location, set/track listing, recording source, and sound quality are as follows:

Royal Albert Hall
London, England
October 27, 2009
Source: Audience
Grade: C (fair)

Related Items

References And Notes

  1. Set List provided by Aubry / Morrissey-Solo