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If 'Prince' William Were Black ... - true-to-you.net (March 17, 2016)

From Morrissey-solo Wiki


Regarding Prince William & hunting


Additionally, if 'Prince' William had endorsed shooting and killing this week, as he has, but 'just happened' to be black, not only would the media blast him to oblivion, but he would also be arrested and would have his many, many firearms confiscated. Obviously gun laws only exist in order to enforce upon people who are poor.

Secondly, William The Terrible laments the fact that many species will be wiped out by the time his daughter is 25 (by which he means 'she will have nothing to kill'), yet he is too dense to realize that species are mainly being wiped out by people such as himself and his even-dimmer brother.

William laments on behalf of his daughter, yet he doesn't understand that all of the animals that he kills for fun are also daughters and sons and parents.

William The Terrible refers to 'trophy hunting' as if this were 1907. There is no longer any such thing as 'trophy hunting'. It is as obsolete as the notion of a family that could possibly be considered royal.

William, why endorse the killing of anything? What is it about you that cannot survive without killing?

If any animal living freely can manage to survive to reach an 'old age', why shoot it? Should it not be cherished for its determination against born killers such as 'Prince' William?

Today Kensington Palace has attempted to counterbalance the bad publicity William The Terrible received for his usual kill!-kill!-kill! statements by running a smiling story of him presenting Irish soldiers with a shamrock. Well, big deal. No sign of William celebrating the disintegration of SeaWorld. This is BBC reality, and no wonder England is morally bankrupt.

William, please go away - to any of the many other islands owned by your grandmother. Go there. Stay there. Spare us of your children, and for your own sake, say not another word. You are an intellectual embarrassment.

MORRISSEY 17 March 2016.

Archived original post here.