Stephin Merritt of Magnetic Fields mentions Moz in review
Link to Chickfactor
zine review from Michelle:
Waits, by Stephin Merritt
...and by the way here is my professional insider�s
list of the best contemporary lyricists in english,
in no order: tom waits, of course; me; kate bush;
morrissey; stephen sondheim; chris knox; nanci
griffith; mayo thompson; joni mitchell and momus...
Comments / Notes (13)
Mention on Howard Stern radio show (Apr. 10)
From Mellysah:
morning (April 10) on the Howard Stern Radio Show,
Mr. Stern was discussing the fact that he felt all
of his male interns possessed a sweeter side, if you
know what I mean. The interns agreed to come on-air
and discuss their sexual orientation freely. Howard
happened to ask the first intern that he
interrogated what kind of music he liked. The
conversation went like this...
What bands do you listen to?
Intern- Oh, British stuff like Radiohead, Oasis, The
Smiths, you know.
Engineer- The Smiths?
Intern- Yeah, The Smiths.
Howard- Oh, you mean like Morrissey?
Intern- Yeah sure Morrissey.
Howard- Dude, you're gay!
I thought it quite rude on Howard's part, but what
else should we expect? I also thought it surprising
that Howard so quickly knew that Morrissey was in
The Smiths, a closet fan perhaps?
Link to RealAudio clip
from Joseph Massey:
Stern Evaluators", go to "Guess Who's
the Gay Intern" (April 10). About 5 minutes
into the clip Smiths/Moz is mentioned!
Comments / Notes (59)
The Complete Picture DVD (UK) out last week, Apr. 10
From Peter England:
message is to confirm that The Smiths - The Complete
Picture was released on DVD in the UK on Monday 10th
Sadly, as with the US version, it's just a replica
of the video version. With DVD being capable of
holding so much more information on one small CD
sized disc it's a huge disappointment that Warners
didn't include any extras. Even a library of photos
would have been something, or an illustrated
discography. When will these corporate idiots learn
how to please the fans! That said, of course, we'll
all still buy it!
Comments / Notes (20)
Istanbul, Turkey - "The Smiths" tribute party, Apr. 21
From Polly:
just want to inform you that I am organising
"The Smiths tribute party " in �stanbul.
The party will be on 21th April, Friday in
one of the indie clubs which is named "Peyote".
I am not sure if anybody will come or not, I am just
organising the first and maybe the last Smiths party
in Turkish history!
/ Flyer
Comments / Notes (14)
Morrissey-solo hits 2,000,000
The 2 millionth
front page counter hit was recorded at 9:55 PM Pacific
time on Sun., Apr. 16 (by a Macintosh user somewhere
in Los Angeles).
The second million was much faster -- the first million took 2
years and 5 months, the second million took about 9
months. I would say this is due mainly to the amount
of news surrounding Morrissey's recent and very
successful tour which began back in October and ended
last week.
As for the state of the site - everything seems
somewhat stable, nothing really exciting to report. I
might upgrade the server hardware soon.
On the Morrissey news front, it's really quiet at the
moment also. I haven't heard anything about a new
album, record label, or the tour starting up again.
Hopefully soon.
Comments / Notes (50)
* return to Morrissey-solo |