Reminder: Boz on tour
Posted on Thu, Mar 25 1999
by David T. <[email protected]>
From MozKittn57, a reminder that Boz is playing at the Bowlaramma (sp?) in Eagle Rock (Los Angeles area) this Saturday, March 27.

The other dates (San Diego, Las Vegas, San Francisco) are in this news item posted earlier.

Comments / Notes

could someone post or email me where the Bowlarama
place is in eagle rock? cross-streets or maybe a
phone number to the joint? thanks!

Joey <[email protected]> (
- Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 16:54:57 (PST)

I waste all afternoon looking for that place in the LA weekly, LA times, Yellow Pages and I even called information and they don't know any place called Bowlaramma in the LA area. Does any one know anything?
blanca <[email protected]> (
- Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 19:55:02 (PST)

The Bowl-a-rama is in Eagle Rock.....the bowling alley is called the All Star Lanes...the phone # is (323) other info is its $12 to get in, includes the bowling. Boz is gonna be playing in the bar so it means 21 and over but i'm sure u can listen to the music in the bowling alley.
alicia <[email protected]> (
- Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 19:59:13 (PST)

The bowling alley should be near the cross streets of York Blvd. and Eagle Rock Blvd. It's suppose to be next to a pre-school.
agent 086 (
- Fri, Mar 26, 1999 at 05:07:32 (PST)

Bowlerama is at the corner of Colorado Bl. and Figueroa just south of the 210 fwy at the Figueroa exit.
Mike Head <[email protected]> (
Denver Colorado - Sat, Mar 27, 1999 at 08:50:25 (PST)

If anyone knows when and where Morrissey is going to preform in LA or Vegas please, PLEASE. please let me know.
Bana113 (
- Sun, Mar 28, 1999 at 07:03:18 (PST)

Hey all,
I'm on the rockaiblly email list and the promotor of the bowl-a-rama's always posts a little review of the show following....
well last night was the Bowl-a-rama that Boz played at and No other than Moz himself showed up....
I'm heading out to Vegas this week...Boz is playing there, I'm kinda hoping Moz might make the trip...

Leigh Koenig <[email protected]> (
Pittsburgh - Sun, Mar 28, 1999 at 08:44:48 (PST)

* return to Morrissey-solo