Comments / Notes
Hello. I'm new to Loose Angela and am thinking about going to check this out. Anyone interested in joining me? If so, please email me. I don't bite and I'm not too ugly.
David Lunnar <[email protected]> - Tue, Feb 16, 1999 at 18:26:07 (PST)
Boz puts on the greatest and liveliest shows. Whether he's playing with Cowboy barnes and his drinking buddies, polecats or other numerous rockabilly projects he's definately a great show. And he's a also a nice lad to have a beer with.
Orlando <[email protected]> (spider-wd031.proxy.aol.com)
Southern California - Wed, Feb 17, 1999 at 00:16:54 (PST)
hey does anyone here in los angeles even know where the bowlerama is. if anybody know where this place is then please let me know.
omar <[email protected]> (spider-to024.proxy.aol.com)
- Wed, Feb 17, 1999 at 16:50:09 (PST)
Hey I live in Tijuan Mex, very near San Diego... does anyone can tell me where is Teo Leos ? Is it far from S.D Downtown?
Manuel Alvarado <[email protected]> (
Tijuana Mex. - Thu, Feb 18, 1999 at 17:24:39 (PST)
Are there any New York dates for Boz's tour?
If not, then why not?
Ludichrist <[email protected]> (74.newark-23-24rs.nj.dial-access.att.net)
- Fri, Feb 19, 1999 at 17:49:06 (PST)
Tio Leo's is a chain, but I think the one we're talking about is Tio Leo's Lounge on Napa Street (near SOMA). Pick up The Reader to see an ad in the music section.
my useless heart
- Fri, Feb 26, 1999 at 20:22:37 (PST)