posted by davidt on Monday January 24 2011, @11:00AM
Dave2006 writes:
Je Suis Julie has noticed that True to You has edited Bryan Ferret out of the list of Morrissey's favourite albums. Roxy Music has been replaced at number 9 by Henryk Gorecki Symphony Number 3.

Find Je Suis Julie's thread at 'All You Need is Morrissey' with links to youtube clips of Gorecki.
Related items:
posted by davidt on Monday January 24 2011, @11:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Talksport radio presenter and Morrissey fan Duncan Barkes interviewed author Dickie Felton this week about his book - The Day I Met Morrissey.

The day Dickie met Duncan - talkSPORT

Duncan has been trying to coax Morrissey onto his late night national chat show for weeks. As he has so far been unsuccessful, he opted for Dickie instead.

Dickie spoke of how he first got into The Smiths, the Moz songs that mean most to him and about some of the fan meetings in the book.

Dickie said: "Duncan is a massive Moz fan and wants the main man on the show. I'm afraid my sullen Scouse tones are no substitute for the MozFather but I was chuffed to be asked onto the show. We talked about Morrissey for a full 13 thrilling minutes and I couldn't think of a better way to spend the wee small hours."

The Day I Met Morrissey was released in May 2009 and features real-life stories of fans meeting Morrissey in bars, airports, at the stage door or on the high street.

The book has been shipped to fans in 32 countries worldwide. And Morrissey famously described the tome as being "very attractive".
posted by davidt on Monday January 24 2011, @11:00AM
Limetree Arbour writes:
Any other Londoners spot the allusion to Morrissey on the front cover of Tuesday's Evening Standard? Or was it just a man holding a baby?

Paternity leave: the daddy of all modern dilemmas

posted by davidt on Monday January 24 2011, @11:00AM
A Morrissey-solo re-design is nearly complete and the plan is to move to the new version in about a week. This is a big move, just about every area of the site will be affected. Expect 2 or 3 days of downtime the weekend of January 29-30.

As it has been relatively quiet on the news front in the past year I've been able to spend time to rest and also work on these big changes I've been wanting to. With all the changes, I'm making sure the site keeps the same spirit (to the dismay of many, I'm sure).

The biggest change is how the main page / content management system will work. The current one, Slash, is going away and being moved to vBulletin which has been powering the forums since 2006. While I like Slash, it is time to move on. vBulletin is more widely used, is much easier to maintain and has much better support for fixes and new features. More details on the changes later. What this means however is that the accounts used on the main page will no longer be used. You can register your account now if you haven't already.

On a separate note, the servers moved last week to a different colocation facility as the previous one decided to close their Los Angeles office. While I didn't want to move, it's a better situation. It doesn't get much faster than this - the servers are now in one of the most interconnected buildings in the world, One Wilshire, downtown Los Angeles.
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