posted by davidt on Tuesday April 28 2009, @02:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 28 2009, @10:00AM
maynardmorrissey writes:
This was posted on

Morrissey single and album competition information

27 April 2009

Please check True To You on Tuesday, April 28 for details of competitions that True To You members can enter for a chance to win copies of the "Something Is Squeezing My Skull" single, the remastered Southpaw Grammar album, or the remastered Maladjusted album.
Details have been posted:

Morrissey single and album competition details
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 28 2009, @10:00AM
leedoggpimp writes:
Martin Gore of Depeche Mode cites 'Moon River' as one of his favorite covers on his Myspace playlist.
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 28 2009, @10:00AM
Matt writes:
hey all:

just an fyi that i'm putting together a morrissey covers project for my site, the music slut ( it'll feature 20 different artists tackling smiths/moz songs. full details will be unveiled on friday, may 1st.

i'm really excited about it and wanted to share it with you first. i've kept it under wraps for months and months now.

hope all is well!

ps it's going to be called 'tms hearts moz'
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 28 2009, @10:00AM sends the link:

Morrissey - Years Of Refusal (Polydor, 2009) - Mojo

Indie rock's Mr Bridger, still in possession of 'it'.

He knows all about refusing for years; after 1997's Maladjusted and before 2004's You Are The Quarry, Morrissey simply withdrew to Los Angeles, retaining a regal silence bar the odd tour and curiosities with cool sleevenotes like this. Years Of Refusal, an album full of powerful, pulse-stimulating tunes sung by a charismatic provocateur in full control of his instrument, is also full of people hanging in stasis, from the chemically-coshed protagonist of Something Is Squeezing My Skull to the paralysed, isolated narrator of Black Cloud. There is also doubt, and intimations of mortality that seem more than the ghoulish chain pulling of yore. Is pained valediction You Were Good In Your Time addressed to David Bowie, Morrissey's one time tourmate, or is he talking to a future version of himself? And do its final two minutes of spectral underwater atmospheres and muted voices speaking French attempt to capture the sound of dying itself? Certainly, One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell, with its declaration, "And when I die I want to go to hell!" draws attention to the extinction that awaits us all. Best not to dwell on it too much. But as All You Need Is Me points out, we'll miss him when he's gone.

Clive Prior

Posted by Ross_Bennett at 6:00 AM GMT 24/04/2009
posted by davidt on Tuesday April 28 2009, @10:00AM
The Nightfloats writes:
We're a bedroom guitar and bathroom singing kind of band...we're nothing even remotely close to what most moz fans like, but we're Morrissey fans and have met alot of cool friends and fellow Moz fans over the years. We thought we'd mention that Morrissey is mentioned in the lyrics of one of our demo songs called "Sorry Symphony".
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