posted by davidt on Friday April 24 2009, @11:00AM
Lucas Has a Cat writes:
Morrissey's new video for "Something Is Squeezing My Skull" was released today via myspace. You can check it out here. Enjoy.

posted by davidt on Friday April 24 2009, @11:00AM
Lilly sends the link:

Gateways to geekery: Morrissey - The A.V. Club
by Josh Modell

Geek obsession: Morrissey

Why it’s daunting: To his fans, Steven Patrick Morrissey is a god, and for good reason. His output as frontman for The Smiths is damn near perfect, and that band has already been canonized, even though it’s only released four proper studio albums, all in the mid-’80s. Morrissey’s solo career is considerably harder to navigate for those who haven’t followed along. Think of it this way: He made records with The Smiths for about five years; he’s been making solo albums for 20. This episode of Geekery assumes that you’re already familiar with at least some of The Smiths’ catalog, which is a better place to start than most of Moz’s solo material.
posted by davidt on Friday April 24 2009, @11:00AM
maynardmorrissey writes:
A new blog was posted on Morrissey's myspace today:

" Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Morrissey Store Update

Morrissey's online merchandise store is now stocked with brand new items from 'Tour of Refusal', as well as exclusive items you can't get anywhere else...

Packed with clothing, music and gift certficates, you can also sign-up for advance notice of special promotions.

Go to the store here:"
posted by davidt on Friday April 24 2009, @11:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Irish newspaper article about University of Limerick symposium, including some background

Spotlight on This Charming Man - The Irish Times
posted by davidt on Friday April 24 2009, @11:00AM
I am the singer and songwriter of THE FLUIDS - a special and unique German Indie-Rock-Band. This year we hope to release our new album called "fluid". On this album you will find a song called: "Morrissey do you love me". It´s a song for all morrissey fans.

Morrissey do you love me - The Fluids (2:56 mp3, 4.0 MB. Right-click to download)

Here is a short text about THE FLUIDS:

THE FLUIDS --the cream of indie-rock in the german music scene. underground pop anthems meet punk-ish rock’n’roll attitude. a singer trembling with joy and harshness, lyrics drowning in liquid aggression, pin-pointing the rheumatic spots in our asthmatic time... Anyone who wants to experience a passionate performance full of emotion and eruption, should go “fluid”! you might recognize some Smiths, Bowie and Joy Division –but that’s alright, and it’s tremendous…

They were opening act for NINA HAGEN, PHILLIP BOA and THE VOODOOCLUB and FUTURE ISLANDS from Baltimore (USA). And they also played at SMITHS and MOZZER Parties in Germany. So it would be an endless joy to support Moz on his forthcoming german tour.

posted by davidt on Friday April 24 2009, @11:00AM
goinghome writes:
Radio DJ on Today FM (Ireland) Paul McCloone announced on his show this week, after playing We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful, that he was scheduling a full show – 7-10pm – on Thursday 21st May (he doesn’t air on Fridays) on his radio programme to mark the music of The Smiths and Morrissey. He added that the emphasis would be more on the solo career and some of the less well-known songs (though he’s a star for spinning these himself fairly regularly – see his playlists on his blog

He has invited listeners to submit their favourite Morrissey songs in particular, including obscure tracks and B-sides, for possible inclusion by emailing their nominations to [email protected] . For those of us not going to Manchester it should provide some rich alternative pickings…
posted by davidt on Friday April 24 2009, @11:00AM
An anonymous person writes:
Perrecy from Bavaria/Germany
(his official site incl. six complete Perrecy songs you find @ !) plays on ukuleles the most beautiful Morrissey & The Smiths songs and sings with a really lovely voice his very special German translated lyrics of the Meister.

After the Concert: To celebrate the 50 Birthday of the Mozzer: Morrissey & The Smiths-Party...

15. May 2009
21h to 4h
Gloria, Regensburg
Simadergasse 2

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